Violent Content in Media

Violent Content in Media








Violent Content in Media


  1. Introduction

ATTENTION-GETTER: Media and communication has evolved from the basic collection and reporting of events to advanced centers that prey on the plight, success and unfortunate events that occur in the lives of people.


  • They will increase their awareness on the actual elements and their effect on their health.
  • They will receive knowledge concerning constructive media conduct contribute to changing people’s behavior towards negative content in media.
  • They can change any regressive behavior

THESIS AND PREVIEW: I seek to enlighten you on the application of advanced science in the media industry to engineer public products that are highly obsessive, slanderous and relatively offensive.

TRANSITION: I will discuss the rationale behind the obsessive nature in the development of products in the media industry.



  1. Main Point 1 (full sentence): Destructive media content and its disadvantages to the society
  2. Consuming detrimental media content directly contributes towards poor morals.
  3. Experts in social perceptions and psychology are recruited to develop media content that is easily addictive and obsessive.
  4. a) Most media companies are focused on maximizing profits and fail to realize their effect on the society morals.


  1. Violence in media content is the major cause of criminal activity in the United States.
  2. a) While there are other causes, violent entertainment positively causes mental problems due to its high aggression and disrespect for life.
  3. b) Violence in the US has been on the rise and is making the nation immoral and unsafe.
  4. i) According to statistics provided by the Psychology of Popular Media Culture Journal “7 in 10 adults are considered psychologically predisposed to violent behavior and 56% were naturally violent” source 1 (st)


TRANSITION: Now that you are informed of the techniques and intentions of the media industry, I will inform you of the effects of destructive media content to the American population.


III. Main Point 2: I will the main reasons and the techniques that companies use to introduce violence in their products

  1. A) Why do they make their entertainment products highly obsessive?

1) The media is a very rich industry that supports massive numbers of individuals, groups and companies.

2) Warner Bros, HBO, Time Warner and 20th Century Fox create the larger share of the entertainment products found in movie stores, cinemas and television sets.

  1. a) These companies constantly struggle for a larger market share and use large sums of money to invest in the best way to seize potential and existing clients.
  2. b) This money is spent on advertisements, promotions, equipment and other marketing strategies.


  1. The strategy for grasping consumers revolves around violence and obscenity.

1) Violence in the media increases the aggressive attitudes and conduct among viewers as people who watch these violent shows are more likely to inflict pain or injure other individuals.

  1. a) The type of violence is also developed for different contexts.
  2. i) Older people are typically subjected to military style violence involving armies and battles.
  3. ii) Younger generations are treated to espionage and undercover violence such as the James Bond sequel.

2) Sexuality and obscenity in movies has an effect that is closely related to violence in the media.

  1. a) Viewers who consume these products gradually begin to associate power, prosperity and fame with immorality and violence.


  1. Collecting all these elements into a TV show or a film will not necessarily bring in the high ratings for these companies.
    1. They employ large-scale marketing and promotional strategies that seek to promote these tendencies and behaviors shown in their content.
      1. Targeting children with milder versions of violence. The cartoons and other children shows are developed with mild versions of violence that slowly draws in children to a point where violence is acceptable in the society.
      2. As children grow older, the violent content is cleverly incorporated into their mature entertainment content so that it is very difficult to distinguish


  • Studies develop ways to capture the individual’s five senses such that when consuming media products
    1. high quality and realistic sounds
    2. graphic pictures
      1. Three dimensional screen and glasses to enhance pictures (3-D)

TRANSITION: In conclusion, whether they do it knowingly or unintentionally, media companies fashion their products to keep their consumers glued to the screens or on the magazine while this addiction causes severe damage to their brains.


  1. Conclusion

RE-STATE THESIS: I have informed you on how violence in the media has been proved directly responsible for increased rape, sexual abuse and divorce in society.

FINAL COMMENT: Having the right knowledge on the effect of violence on your psychological functions as well as the methods through which violence is distributed will help you make excellent choices in the fight against destructive media products



            Media and communication has evolved from the basic collection and reporting of events to advanced centers that prey on the plight, success and unfortunate events that occur in the lives of people. It is nowadays practically impossible to take part in anything publicly within any urban or rural center without encountering strategically located, cunning and surprisingly intelligent array of news reporters and paparazzi. One need not look far before realizing that the evolution of age-old traditions of proper reporting of common materials such as news was largely inspired by a need to keep its consumers obsessed with the highly controversial and fabricated product. The level of obsession with violence and inappropriate media can only be compared to that of potent drugs such as heroin and cocaine as their excessive consumption will lead to certain disintegration of society’s morals. Currently, I seek to enlighten you on the application of advanced science in the media industry to engineer public products that are highly violent, slanderous and relatively offensive. The first part covers my analysis on obsession with violence, obscenity, sexuality, and its negative effects on the mind, and then I will discuss the rationale behind the obsessive nature in the development of products in the media industry.




Benefits to the Audience

When I was developing this speech, I had the strongest feeling that this section carried the largest benefit to the people who would grasp it. It is common sense that consuming detrimental media content directly contributes towards poor standards and morals among individuals. The types of media products broadcasted and distributed are exceedingly significant in determining the ability to develop, preserving healthy mental function, and ward off controversy. Consequently, if an individual values their mental health, it is important that they grasp a lot of information on healthy media to consume (Ramos et al. 2012).

Proper media products production and consumption is important from a tender age. When still young, people have are exposed to several types of information and content and this is largely contributed by the type of parenting and environment they were raised in. Media content that are objective and rated provide consumers with the positive information daily, as well as the material that binds together different business and commercial activities. Imbalances or deficiencies in the distribution of one or several vital aspects of media can result in several problems such as lawsuits and moral degeneration. As people grow older, their media demands remain the same.

It is necessary to impart these proper media ethics and conduct to you so that when making professional decisions, it becomes relatively easy to make the choice. Modern media content are packaged strategically to attract the attention of potential clients and it may prove difficult to stop oneself from subscribing to such material. The advertising and marketing approaches employed by these media companies and organizations are very aggressive making it difficult to avoid being interested and consuming their products (Begum et al. 2012). While little can be done to curb their aggressive marketing, passing on the knowledge concerning constructive media conduct will go along way in changing your behavior towards negative content. It is my hope that armed with this information, the next trip to the movie cinema or store will result in a shopping cart stacked with positive material.

Scientific advancement in media technology has resulted in the development of highly addictive amoral content that heightens the craving among consumers. The companies behind these compulsive media content have employed extensive research and conducted expensive scientific experiments to come up with the perfect violent, immoral and slanderous material that keep consumers addicted. The giants in the food industry such as Warner Bros, HBO, Time Warner and 20th Century Fox invest many human and financial resources in research and development of innovative products that contain the right feeling, characters and appearance. Most people have probably heard of the ‘bliss point’ that can be defined as the scientifically determined level in products that gives consumers the divine feeling when consumed. Now that you are informed of the techniques and intentions of the media industry, I will inform you of the effects of destructive media content to the American population.

Addiction to Violence in the Media

Almost all households in America have access to a television set, a computer, a mobile set or a handled device. Through these devices, millions of Americans are able to tap into the constant communication and media services that offer numerous programs and features. The introduction of social media as a formidable factor in global communication has served to worsen the situation, as most social media sites are largely unsupervised. Coupled with the ever-increasing amount of new media products created everyday, the United States is fast becoming a society that will not be able to access constructive public content for themselves and their future generations (Ramos et al. 2012). The media experts, stakeholders and marketing sectors are largely to blame for this emerging phenomenon. While most media companies come up with innovative but unproductive media products, they also transform conventional positive material into unhealthy ones. This feat is normally achieved by adding large amounts of modernity, violence and obscenity as well as reducing personal privacy in the media product. While these additions make most media products seem more entertaining, unbeknown to many, it is highly addictive (Begum et al. 2012).

Social scientists know that the negative supplements will increase people’s consumption and obsession to that particular product. A common example are reality shows that were initially sold as conventional but later media companies added large amounts of violence and reduced the privacy. This resulted in an increased consumption of rated reality shows among television and Internet users. Other examples of products that were transformed into unhealthy versions include the traditional action movies that initially contained intrigue, excitement and decency. However, currently the average action movie contains more of sexuality, vulgarity and violence than actual action and other positive themes. Violence in such movies has been cited as being directly linked to increased crime occurrences, rape and child abuse. Most of the public media content consumed by Americans such as movies, documentaries, reality shows and children shows surpass the normal consumption of such negative content and this has adverse consequences.

Scientific studies have discovered several potent and harmful elements in most media products and social communication platforms. Similarly, they have also discovered that destructive media content promote adverse health complications with violence topping the list. Most of the abominable public materials are developed with high amounts of indecency, violence, and utopianism that unavoidably contribute to critical poor perceptions and morals in society. Part of the purpose of this speech is to communicate the urgency and critical status of most Americans’ morals and to increase their awareness on the actual elements and their effect on their health. It is surprising to note that even though most people can make sense of the rating information, violence content and other discouraged elements used in modern media content, they still go ahead and consume them in large amounts (Bayraktar, 2012). This stresses the fanatical element of most contemporary public content that I will address in detail in the next section.

The Rationale behind Production of Inappropriate Media Content

In this part, I will emphasize on reasons as to why most media companies prefer to develop negative or destructive material for public consumption. In particular, I will focus on violence, as it is the main form of destructive theme embraced by the media fraternity and distributed to public platforms. A significant question at this point would be why do they produce content that is so violent? To get the answer tot his question, several aspects of the media industry should be clarified. First, the media is trillion-dollar industry that supports massive numbers of individuals, groups and companies. Therefore, massive amounts of profits are made everyday and this means the industry has a lot to benefit and to lose as well.

Several major companies are behind the production of action movies, shows and documentaries as these are the major items that have violent content. These conglomerates include Warner Bros, HBO, Time Warner and 20th Century Fox (Ramos et al. 2012). All these companies constantly struggle for a larger market share, which is the amount of viewer ratings that one’ company’s products can seize from the rival company. In order to do this, they utilize millions of dollars in research and development of highly violent and horrific content that will make their products controversial and popular than their competitors. The formula that gradually leads to obsession revolves around violence, obscenity and sexuality. Violence in the media increases the aggressive attitudes and conduct among viewers as people who watch these violent shows are more likely to inflict pain or injure other individuals. The type of violence is also developed for different contexts. Older people are typically subjected to military style violence involving armies and battles while younger generations are treated to espionage and undercover violence such as the James Bond sequel (Ramos et al. 2012).

The high amount of sexuality and obscenity in movies has an effect that is closely related to violence in the media. Watching indecent sexual content and use of obscene language teaches the viewers to act in the same way. This negative behavior is mostly expressed in women who are portrayed in the media as being inferior to men thus making it acceptable to abuse and dehumanize them. These negative elements in the media content have serious psychological consequences. Viewers who consume these products gradually begin to associate power, prosperity and fame with immorality and violence. In turn, this increases their desire to purchase more of this kind of entertainment. This creates a society that does not respect marriage and family institutions (Ramos et al. 2012).

However, by simply collecting all these elements into a TV show or a film will not necessarily bring in the high ratings for these companies. Therefore, they employ large-scale marketing and promotional strategies that seek to promote these tendencies and behaviors shown in their content. An example is by targeting children with milder versions of violence. The cartoons and other children shows are developed with mild versions of violence that slowly draws in children to a point where violence is acceptable in the society. Furthermore, as the same children grow older, the violent content is cleverly incorporated into their mature entertainment content so that it is very difficult to distinguish. These strategies are developed by a team of professionals who evaluate the demographics of their particular target market and come up with the ultimate product that incorporates violence and offers viewers with the thrill and satisfaction. These numerous and extensive researches into human beings and their media preferences also come up with methods to capture the individual’s five senses such that when consuming media products, the consumer is wholly captured by high quality and realistic sounds, graphic pictures as well as other aspects. It is interesting to note that media content may trick an individual to suppose that nothing is changing within them while this is not true.


In conclusion, whether they do it knowingly or unintentionally, media companies fashion their products to keep their consumers glued to the screens or on the magazine while this addiction causes severe damage to their brains. Most of the people who are obsessed with violence in almost any type of media content are unknowingly part of the dependency regime created by major media houses to maintain a firm grip on their consumers and consequently, maintain their profit margins. However, the evolution of the media sector from a responsible and dependable field that was trusted to offer morally upright and appropriate content for public consumption to a faction of result-oriented and unethical experts has resulted in disintegration of the moral fabric of society. I have informed you on how violence in the media has been proved directly responsible for increased rape, sexual abuse and divorce in society. Having the right knowledge on the effect of violence on your psychological functions as well as the methods through which violence is distributed will help you make excellent choices in the fight against destructive media products.





Bayraktar A. (2012). Marketing the media with sexuality and violence: Is it ethical? Journal of Academic and Business Ethics.

Begum, S., Khowaja, S. S., & Ali, G. (2012). Media created violence A social determinant of mental health. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 62, 12, 1338-1340.

Ramos, R. A., Ferguson, C. J., Frailing, K., & Romero-Ramirez, M. (2012). Comfortably Numb or Just Yet Another Movie? Media Violence Exposure Does Not Reduce Viewer Empathy for Victims of Real Violence Among Primarily Hispanic Viewers. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

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