THRS 116





THRS 116

Section I

Question 1: creation story

The creation contained in the book of Genesis was written because of inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Theologians note that unknown editors are writers who were present during the history of Israel from King Hezekiah to Ezra the Scribe. The works were compiled and subsequently edited a variety of legends and traditions that were transcribed from Israeli ancestors and history. Thus, it is suggested that Jewish priests played an important role in the circulation of religious information and practices, which was written in the book Genesis and other Old Testament works. The concerns highlighted ion the book of Genesis is the exemplary nature of God’s works in creation of the universe and more so man who surpasses all other beings as he is create din the image of God.

Question 2

The two creation stories located in Genesis 1:1-3:3 and Genesis 2:4-25, which portray God the creator in different perspectives. The first story of creation provides a chronological arrangement of the days the various elements of the universe were created. The second creation fails to highlight the arrangement of events taking place in terms of days of occurrence. In addition, the first creation story highlights the delight and goodness of all beings and elements created by God. However, in the second story of creation Eden is a place of hard work and not for relaxation or enjoyment and is marked by the presence of a tree that harbors all worldly knowledge of what is good and evil. Studies claim that the first creation story was developed between the 6th and 7th centuries BC (Jahwist sources) and later expounded by other authors according to Priestly sources.

Question 3

The covenant established between Abraham and God emphasized circumcision as a portable ritual that illustrated the continued loyalty of man to God. The rite of passage was affirmed in Genesis 17:12 as God directed Abraham to undertake circumcision of all newborn males on the eighth day after birth.  The information recorded by Moses as communicated by God is provided in Genesis 17:12, which was because of the divine inspiration delivered by God to his people. In adhering to the directions provided by God, he anticipated to ensure that he retained a bond with humanity of they adhered to his instructions and covenant. The circumcision of male newborns is critical towards illustration of man’s intention to retain his covenant with God. In addition, the covenant also covered individuals who were bought from foreign lands and those living within a household as part of retaining the covenant with God.

Question 4

In Exodus 3:13-15 God responds to Moses, ““I am who I am” . God also noted to Moses to tell the Israelites that the Lord, God of their fathers –Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, had sent Moses with a message of hope. The revelation of God to Moses marked a critical point in the history of the Jewish community as it provided a basis for their emancipation from slavery under the Egyptians. The name of God becomes evident towards the close of the 15th line as he instructs Moses to ensure that the Israelites understand his presence and intentions for the Jewish community. God notes that he had observed the misery endured by the Israelites and was keen to ensure that they were liberated preferably if they adhered to his laws and instructions.

Question 5

In noting, “You shall have no other Gods before,” God expects that Israelites adhere to his laws by keeping his covenant of only having one God. It is evident of hierarchical polytheism as God acknowledges the intentions of a number of Israelites to worship other gods. God emphasizes that in saving the Israelites from the Egyptians he should be provided with loyalty.

Part II

Question 1

The book of Deuteronomy is a collect of the second laws of God that were delivered to the Israelites through Moses. The book notes specific principles of the gospel such as the need to retain a convent with God, marriage within covenants, provision of offerings and tithes as expected by God from our harvests and the need to seek the truth from God through prayer as opposed to the use of occult sources and fortune tellers.  The book of Deuteronomy places great emphasis on ensuring that humanity retains its covenant with God as a means of ensuring that the wellbeing and favor of God. The verse highlights the importance of ensuring that God is central to our lives as a means of attracting his favor.

Question 2

The Day of Yahweh is a term used in the Hebrew context and is common in the Old Testament. It denotes that consummation of God’s kingdom and absolute cessation of attacks on God’s kingdom. It has been descried as a day of visitation and the conception of God’s kingdom is foreboding and dark. However, the New Testament includes elements of hop, joy and victory and is referred to as the day of Christ’s coming in God’s glory. Amos refers to a day that will be used to illustrate God’s power.

Question 3

Job 1 presents a common challenge amongst human beings, challenging God’s might when faced with adversity. Satan asked God to remove job’s riches and wellbeing to test his faithfulness amidst adversity. Job did not sin as a means of charging God with wrongdoing. The story presents two questions; does God put man through challenges to test his faithfulness and does man have the authority to charge God for testing his faithfulness.

Question 4

2nd Samuel 7 captures God’s promise to David as he notes that he saved him from his enemies and raised him up from a herder to a ruler of the Israelites. God promised David that after his death, he would raise up an offspring who would be tasked with creation of the house of God . In addition, God also notes to David that he would punish his offspring if they did not adhere to his commands, but would remain steadfast in his love for him, which will ensure that the kingdom of David continues into eternity.

Question 5

The Book of Isaiah is centered on the vision received in chapter 6, which he notes that he saw God seated on a high throne. God was able to reveal his identity to Isaiah and showed him of the glory that filled the entire earth. Isaiah was brought forward to a time when all people could see God, with the objective also being reiterated in Leviticus, which is to be united with God such that we understand our identity. Isaiah’s identity is depicted as God’s servant as he adhered to his instructions and was privileged to see God’s face. In addition, when an individual understands that his identity has been cut off, he will be able to understand his “Isaiah” which refers to salvation and receiving vision and favor from God.

Part 111

Question 1

The term “son of man” and “son of God” relate to different references associated with Jesus’ interactions with the human population. The “son of man” refers to his humanity and possibly human ways, whereas son of God refers to his deity. As such, Jesus was the son of man, a human being, while at the same time was God’s son whom God gave to save humanity from utter destruction.

Question 2

I Thessalonians and 1 Corinthians 15 provides instructions on how Christians should live to please God and the return of Christ respectively. I Thessalonians 4 highlight God’s punishment for those who do not adhere to his intentions for humanity. The chapter also takes note of the importance of exercising love amongst each other as taught by God and his son Jesus Christ.

Question 3

Paul had an elaborate understanding of the law and salvation, which he noted, was critical towards man’s future. He noted that adhering to the laws brought people closer to God and attracted favor in people’s lives. He had a reverence for purity, which he noted, was essential as the body of man was the temple of god and should be safeguarded.

Question 4

Jesus taught in parables as a means of providing the audience with heavenly meanings by relating earthly elements. He frequently utilized parables as a means of relating divine and profound truths. In addition, using parables, Jesus was also able to enable his audiences remember his teachings by relating common earthly activities and events to divine meanings and interventions.

Question 5

Mathew’s changes to Mark’s gospel were influenced by the need to enhance the stories and messages contained in the gospel. Mathew was also influenced by the need to emphasis the messages of Jesus.

Question 6

In changing the story of Christ’s arrest, trial crucifixion and resurrection, Mathew was able to provide the audience with clarified occurrences of events that took place at the time. Mathew’s changes to Mark’s gospel were influenced by the need to enhance the stories and messages contained in the gospel. Mathew was also influenced by the need to emphasis the messages of Jesus.





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