The Believing and Doubting Game





The Believing and Doubting Game

Is a ‘Yes/No’ approach relevant in all situations in life? As a human, since birth the cognitive capability of distinguishing what is right from that which is wrong has been a guiding basis for the decision-making process. The two choices have been the direct determinants of my actions over the year but at times, given specific conditions, instincts, and common sense out rule the Yes/ No approach in decision-making. At times, one has to perform that which appears to be bad to gain a common good result. Equally, the ‘Yes/No’ approach is not enough to justify a course of action. Incorporation of common sense and instincts increases the level of errors mostly at the social level given the negation of the two-way critical thinking approach.

The ‘Yes/ No’ approach is more qualified for decision affirmation. If people applied the critical thinking approach, we would have fewer mistakes in society.

The hypothesis is true and might prove to be a societal transformation tool. For instance, given you are at a convenient store and you notice a young shopper secretly putting one of the products in his or her pockets. Will the suitable action be to report the individual or not? Incorporating the ‘yes and no’ approach in decision-making, it is easy to identify that the socially correct thing to do is to report the individual.

Given you are a parent with a mentally ill child, is the best approach to treating the disorder integration of professional care or leaving the child at home. Taking care of an individual with special needs is a tasking process that necessitates professional assistance from relevant health personalities. Equally, professional monitoring identifies the best algorithm for childcare facilitating rapid recovery and cognitive development.

Another example, consider that you are a public teacher, and the government has not released your income salary for the past two months. The union body in charge of your welfare has organized a nationwide strike. As per contract mandate, you are required to participate in the strike. The yes and no approach vividly guides you to strike because you are bound by your union contract. You have the duty to stand up for your and fellow teachers’ rights.

Similar to the prior example, a doctor not paid his or her salary is allowed to seize working without job termination as stipulated by the job employment contract and union agreements. It is firm belief that mass action will corner the government to fast track fund release and prevent same scenarios happening in the future. The government will take into account the seriousness of the matter and take precautionary steps.

The final scenario is to consider a lab technician accountable for analysis of patient blood samples or other biological liquids necessary for patient treatment. In the laboratory, you come across your partners medical records and identify he has a medical condition that makes him unfit and hazardous for the job. The ‘yes or no’ critical thinking clearly shows that your partner needs to be reported and terminated to ensure patient safety.

The ‘yes and no’ logic has a number of holes in its logic as it does not consider all the relevant ethos required in decision making and justifiable socially correct approaches to the stipulated examples. Using doubt in the same scenarios, one can identify and argue the approach is not suitable for critical thinking.

In the first scenario, reporting the young shopper may lead to several severe consequences such as juvenile detention, loss of school time and at extremes relocation to government homes. Secondary ethoses in critical thinking require an individual to consider the consequences of an action before performing it. The yes and no approach have no such considerations.

In the second example, doubt arises from the fact that home based care for mental ill patients is the most suitable algorithm to initiate cognitive growth as the patient is surrounded by familiar people and environment. The process is cheap and does not necessarily require a health professional. Monitoring is equally easy as the patient is in constant contact with family members. Social norms require family participation in member treatment.

The teachers strike though professionally justified does not consider the social implication of the process given its undertaking. Strikes have heavy consequences that negate them as accepted communal norms. One, they lower education quality. Two, they waste money and time invested by parents and children. Three, they encourage laxity and mass action that increase violence rates.

Similarly, doctors’ strikes cripple the health sector, which has adverse implications especially for critically ill persons in need of immediate attendance. In the past, patient deaths, increase in disease spread and economy productivity relapse have been associated with doctor’s mass action. Equally, the process is professionally justified but socially doubtful and imbalanced.

The lab technician example is doubtful because reporting the case immediately does not put into consideration employee-employee confidentiality and health records privacy. The technician should give his partner the opportunity to turn himself in to ascertain health records privacy. In handing the opportunity, the technician respects the professional code and employee friendship. The yes and no approach have no considerations.


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