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Article Reviews


The article Fat Stigma Fuels Weight Bullying by Roni Rabin discusses the results of a survey concerning the main reasons why children are bullied. The study was conducted in the US, Iceland, Australia, and Canada. It involved over 2800 participants. The results reveal that the main reason the children are bullied concerns their weight. Less than a quarter of the respondents considered other identifying factors such as race, nationality, or ethnicity, as reasons why children are bullied. According to the article, some people have the mistaken belief that bullying children will motivate them towards working hard. However, this is not the case, as bullied children often end up engaging in unhealthy behaviors. Those who responded to the survey noted that it would be helpful if schools had anti-bullying policies. They also noted that the upper middle class was the most discriminating towards weight. This discrimination has extended to other areas as well. According to the article, teenage girls are less likely to receive financial support from their parents for their college education if they are obese. In addition, employees struggling with the condition are more likely to earn less compared to those who are not obese.

The title of the article reflects the content. The author reveals the purpose of the article from the beginning. The entire discussion is relevant because it focuses on the stigma associated with being overweight. According to the article, many children have faced bullying because of their weight. Currently, there are no laws to protect such children. However, considering the effects that this sort of stigma has, there is a need to develop measures that will reduce this type of bullying. Other than bullying, people who are obese or overweight also face discrimination of various forms. The author could have made more suggestions concerning the changes to be made to eliminate or reduce the incidences of bullying. She could have mentioned the practical steps that individuals, schools, and families should take to ensure that children are not bullied. She could have also mentioned something about personal responsibility. Unlike many forms of physical disability, it is possible for obese people to seek help and change their situation.

The article How to Beat Emotional Eating by Temma Ehrenfeld discusses some of the issues concerned with emotions and eating. According to the article, some people tend to eat based on the emotions they have. This is one of the most effective ways of gaining weight. People who do this consider eating a solution to the emotional turmoil they are facing. The author notes the disadvantages associated with emotional eating. Those who indulge in this behavior tend to lose more than they gain. They do not engage in other pleasurable activities. They often end up hating their bodies leading to negative self-image, and they let themselves become tired or go hungry. The author gives an example of how a person can deal with a negative emotional thought that might cause overeating. This involves the recognition of negative thoughts, changing them into positive ones and practicing some relaxation techniques.

The title is clear, but it is not as appropriate. From the title, the author seems to suggest that she will give the readers tips on how to overcome emotional eating. However, she has only included a little information on the measures that people can take to control emotional eating. Most of the article details why people engage in emotional eating and the reason it is not good for a person to engage in this particular behavior. However, all the information presented in the article is relevant to this particular discussion. Moreover, she describes a study that used this approach, and those who had participated in the study ended up losing 26 pounds and managed to keep off the weight for three months. It would have been helpful to know the number of participants in the study so that one can know if the weight loss achieved can be attributed to one or few people. The author could have described more studies, which have shown promising results.

The articles discussed above deal with weight. Weight problems have become some of the most significant and talked about issues in today’s society. Many people are concerned about weight. It has led to some negative consequences such as the destruction of people’s self-esteem. Some people have developed depression and other psychological problems because of the issues they face with their weight problems. The article concerning bullying and weight is insightful, and it raises questions of concern. This is because both weight and bullying can cause depression. Therefore, a person can experience mental anguish if he or she experiences such situations. In addition, it is important to note that personal responsibility plays a large part when trying to solve weight problems and dealing with emotional eating. Although the passage of laws can help a little when dealing with weight bullying, the most effective way of ensuring that this does not happen is losing weight. Therefore, there is a need to emphasize personal responsibility. Moreover, the individual will benefit from maintaining healthy weight levels since he will reduce the risks associated with obesity.


Works Cited

Ehrenfeld, Temma. “How to Beat Emotional Eating.” Psychology Today. 19 Jun. 2015. Web. 8 July 2015.

Rabin, Roni. “Fat Stigma Fuels Weight Bullying.” The New York Times. 7 July 2015. Web. 8 July 2015.


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