Russia’s foreign affairs analysis: 2013 and the years ahead, and how does it translate to the U.S.?





Russia’s foreign affairs analysis: 2013 and the years ahead, and how does it translate to the U.S.?

The Russian government has policies that guide its interactions with other nations, foreign organizations and their citizens. Foreign relations of Russia were first introduced in 1991 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Through this policy, the Russian government has been able to interact with other nations and benefited from its introduction. Relations between Russia and the United States warmed up in the early1990s. This essay is based on today’s facts and forecasts on the direction of Russia’s foreign policy. The effects on how it affects the U.S. would also be explained. Finally, explanations on whether Russia is on the same geopolitics as U.S. would be explained.

Russian government made a big step at the end of 1991 and dissolved the Soviet Union. In place, Russia joined The Common Wealth of Independent States, Union of Russia and Belarus, Organization for security and Cooperation in Europe and the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. The decision to move away from the communists rule attracted the United States towards Russia (Socor 1). The president at that time, Boris Yeltsin, implemented the free market reforms that were being encouraged by the U.S. However, Russia suffered great economic loses after the reform since the U.S. had taken advantage of their industries and were in control over them. This resulted to the Kosovo war in 1999 at Serbia. Since then, international relations between the U.S. and Russia depreciated (Graham et. al. 3). This was a revelation to the Russian government when implementing international relations policies.

Foreign policy of Vladmir Putin has had a major impact on international affairs in Russia. These policies were initiatives put forward by Vladmir during his term as Russia’s president. Between 2000 and 2008, Vladmir had made increasingly vital statements pertaining international relations between the U.S. and other western countries. It is a fact that he believed that the American nation was being monopolistic. He further argued that the U.S. was using force when it wanted to reach to certain standards. This broke international relations between the United States and Russia. Rise in oil prices were believed to have triggered Putin’s statements. He put his focus on pointing out that Russia was an independent country and self-sufficient. Thus, it did not need to be controlled by another nation.

Russia has implemented on creating a leadership form of foreign policy. It did not approve of the expansion of the North Atlantic treaty organization into Asia. The country has always stood on solid grounds pertaining leadership after the 1992 experience with the U.S. Putin at one point gave refuge to Edward Snowden. This man gave Russia the hard drives to that were full of National Security Association secrets. As a result, the U.S. cancelled a pinnacle. It blamed Russia for being an obstruction regarding the terrorist cases in Iran. Hence, at the current moment, international relations between the U.S and Russia are at a low point.

Currently, every nation is at the crucial stages in modern history development. New intercontinental frameworks and conventional polycentric systems of international relations with numerous realities is scattering across all levels of collaboration. Russia is moving towards a more complex international life that requires it to implement on its international relations. Modernization of humanity would lead to a forceful humanitarian aspect in terms of internal policy. Russia’s dream is to have safer political and martial conditions together with more steady borders and resolutions of conflicts (Russian Foreign Policy 1). Resetting of relations between the presidents of Russia and the U.S. in 2009 has further boosted these dreams into actualization.

Inability to solve sensitive international and current problems is a growing perception held by many states. Nations believe that working, as a state in conflict resolution cannot be achieved. However, the Russian government is working towards attaining a multifactor foreign policy. This policy would be based on clear understanding of its responsibilities and potential. This is the future of Russia and it is focused on attaining its national goals. Improved economy, political and social standards make top of its national list. United States of America would be attracted to Russia in terms of international relation. This is because of improved security within the nation and its borders.

Focusing on the future, Russia’s foreign policy is working towards fulfilling numerous tasks. International dealings and intercontinental law are its responsibility. Its essential priority is securing good conditions for its development. The need for a complete modernized society would improve its international relations. This can be achieved through close linkage with peripheral activities. This will help Russia head towards a more innovative-based financial system. The country would have better conditions that the United States would be forced to conduct businesses with it.

Implementation of Russian foreign policies would have boosted its international relations with the U.S. Foreign policies pertaining security and economic ties between the two countries have been positively accepted. Repealing of the Jackson –Vanik amendment in 2012 has boosted the economic ties of the two countries. In the fight against terrorism and piracy, both countries have held joint military exercises (U.S. Participates on Joint Naval Drills 1). Other initiatives have been put forth that help the Russian government actualize good international relations. For instance, the country has set out a proposal on Treaty on European security. This would improve its relations with the Euro-Atlantic policy that works in attaining a collective security system. It is evident that Russia’s foreign policies have caught the U.S. attention. Further improvements on their policies would result to better relations in the future if the on-going trend keeps up.

Eurasians’ tradition is the centre of modern-day geopolitics in Russia. It is characterized with elevated interlinks with politics. It is also evident that Russia has increased its geopolitical status. The country suffered great losses during the fall-out of the Soviet Union and it cannot be at the same level with the U.S. geopolitically (Elder 1). However, it has tried consistently to establish itself in all aspects. The country has regained its status and the U.S. cannot affect them in any possible way. Increased international prestige has been noted over the years with the new foreign policies adopted by Russia (Ivashov, 1).

In conclusion, Russia is an independent and focused country. It has gone through many phases in terms of establishing international policies. It is evident that the country is still in its early stages regarding foreign policies. International relations between Russia and the U.S. have been on grave grounds over the years. This is because of the disputes held between the two countries America’s misuse of power can also be attributed to poor international relations with Russia. The Russian government has implemented on its foreign policies and its focusing on attaining its goals. The future of Russia is bright and it is working towards boosting its relations with other countries. Despite being at a different level in terms of geopolitics, the country still works hard by utilizing the resources it has.


Works Cited

Allison, Graham, Robert D. Blackwill, Dimitri K. Simes, and Paul J. Saunders. Russia and U.S. National Interests: Why Should Americans Care? Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, 2011. Print.

Elder, Miriam. Romney talks up Russia’s role as US foe as Obama celebrates political successes. 22 October 2012. Web. 28 October 2013.

Ivashov, Leonid. Giving Snowden Asylum, Russia Increases Its International Prestige and Geopolitical Status. Watching America. 5August 2013. Web. 28 October 2013.

Russian Foreign Policy. 2013 .Web. 28 October 2013.

Socor, Vladmir. Kremlin Refining Policy in Post-Soviet Space. Eurasia Daily Monitor. 7 February 2005. Web. 28 October 2013.

U.S. Participates on Joint Naval Drills. United Press International. 22 August 2012. Web. 28 October 2013.


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