





Acknowledgement 4

Abstract 5

Company’s Background. 5

Introduction. 7

Aims. 8

Thesis Statement 8

Hypotheses. 8

Objectives. 8

The Plan. 9

What we Hope to Achieve at The End of This Research. 9

The Reasons as to why this project Interests Me. 10

Legal procedures. 10

Literature Review.. 11

Why Should a Recruiter use these Tools?. 13

Who Have Used Social Media for Recruitment Purposes. 13

How to Use the Social Media as a Recruiting Tool 15

Over View of these Social Sites. 15

Face-Book as a Recruiting Tool 15

Twitter 16

Linked-In. 16

Research Methods and Methodology. 16

Direct Interviews. 17

The Benefits of Using Such Features. 18

The Challenges. 18

Use of Questionnaires. 19

Closed Ended Questions. 19

Open Ended Questions. 19

Conducting Surveys. 20

Reference from Friends. 21

Deduction and Induction. 21

Results and Data Analysis. 23

Primary and Secondary Data. 23

Secondary Sources. 24

Discussion. 27

Recommendation. 30

Conclusion. 31

References: 32




            I would love to express my sincere gratitude to the people who have immensely assisted me in their various capacities in regards to the project. I would not have done this without and therefore, I have to appreciate you. First, I would love to give thanks to my supervisor for the immense help that you have provided me in this project. Your knowledge is un-matched and I thank you very much for helping me to choose this topic and for providing me with a guideline that ensured that I finished this project without glitches. Secondly, I would love to thank my parents for the immense help that you gave me. From financial resources to the moral support, that you provided gave me the drive and motivation to do this project successfully. Dad I cannot thank you enough for being there for me during this project, helping me whenever you could and  assisting me to come up with the various ideas and theories. Mum what can I say, as long as I stayed up late at night, you were always up, making for me the late night snack so that I could have the energy to go on. Not forgetting my younger brother, your enthusiasm and the knowledge of Face-book is infectious and without you, this would not have been possible. Last but not least is Rifna my wife, the hours we spent doing this project are un-measurable. Your assistance is highly appreciated. I would also like to say a big thank you to Jumbo Electronics. Your assistance in my project was immense. You provided me with everything that I needed. I cannot thank your staff members enough their co-operation was the best. For those whom I have not mentioned for their contribution to the success of this project all I can say is, a BIG THANK YOU!




This research paper takes an in-depth look of Social media sites to see if it is a better recruitment tool. We will be looking at the effectiveness of using Social media sites as a recruitment tool. We will also look at the old traditional methods and make a comparison between these methods of recruiting tools.

For the analysis, we will use Jumbo Electronics as reference. Jumbo Electronics is looking to hire new employees who will come and work in the company. It is looking to use Social media sites as a recruitment tool. This paper will provide the necessary guidelines that ascertain whether this method will be a good strategy for this company.

In this research paper, we did the following things:

  • We conducted a literature review.
  • We compared the different recruitment methods.
  • We conducted a survey to establish the number of people who use this recruitment tool.


Company’s Background

The Jumbo Electronics limited was established in 1974. This is the main functional group in the Jumbo Group. The company was founded by MM Chhabria. Other companies that are in the Jumbo Group are Shaw Wallace, Dunlop India Hindustan Dorr-Oliver, Mather and Platt.

As the name suggests, Jumbo Electronics deal with electronic products and it is in the Information technology business. Other areas that the Jumbo Electronics has ventured in include Telecommunication, Entertainment, Consumer Electronics, Office automation and home appliances. The company is known to sell the latest mobile phones to its consumers. The mobile phone products that it possesses are from various mobile companies, which include Samsung, Nokia, Sony Erickson, Black Berry and even I-phones (Al, 2011).

This is considered as the leading Electronics and Information Technology Company in the United Arab Emirates. Most of its customers are in this region. The main headquarters are in Dubai. Currently, it has 30 retail stores and 9 business centers, which have been spread across the United Arab Emirates. Its retail stores are in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Fujairah, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah and Ajman.

The reason as to why this company is very successful in the United Arab Emirates has been due to its management system. The founder established a system, which ensured that this company will not only be organized, but it will be placed in such a way to ensure that it is successful. The company is ISO 9001 certified. To ensure that the services provided to the customers are top notch, the company’s experts in the various services that they have; usually run a series of tests on a regular basis, to ensure that the systems run smoothly.

The company is expanding to the International market. This means that it will be increasing its labor force so that it can maintain its high standards of service output to its customers. The reason as to why it wants to expand is so that it can reach more people and get more profits. It is hoping that its international venture will be as successful as in the United Arab Emirates (Arthur, 2012).

In the recruitment process, it is targeting to use the different Social Media sites such as Linked In, Face-book, Twitter, and other less known sites such as; Perfect Business, Uprising and Co-founder for its recruitment purposes.


1. Introduction

Recruitment can be quite a hectic process. During this recruitment process, the company when it advertises the available vacancies, only wishes or hopes to employ the best of the applied candidates. This means that as a hiring manager or a hiring team, you have to vet and interview the applicants and, then choose the one/s who you feel that qualifies to fill the position/s.

For a recruitment process to be successful, it means that the best candidates applied so that they can be given a chance to work in the company. Picture a scenario, whereby, you advertise a position in your company, this is the advert on Google Ad:


Company Name: Jumbo Electronics

Available Position: IT Expert

Required Qualifications: Age 25-35 years, Experience: 2-3 working years in a respectable firm, Must have a Bachelor’s Degree in IT.

If you have the necessary qualifications, send us your CV in our e-mail


When you post this advertisement, you expect that the people who will apply meet the stated requirements. In this scenario, not all the applicants have a degree in IT. Let us say that most of the applicants have Business related degree and only one has a Computer related degree. This is the worst nightmare for a Hiring manager or a hiring team. If the company is desperate to fill in that position, it will be forced to pick a person who is, simply not the best. It will also have to train this new worker so that he or she can be a good fit for the company. This will mean that the company will have extra costs in terms of the training, and the time when this new employee is being trained would have been used to enhance the growth of the company.

So that to ensure that this does not happen, it is important to use a process that will ensure that your advertisement reaches many people, and therefore, this will ensure that you have more applicants to interview. This is where the Social media sites come in handy (Blessing & Chakrabarti, 2009).

Technology has really changed over the years. As it changes, so does the people. In the past, when you wanted to advertise a job, you would post it in the newspaper in the Jobs Ad. When you did this, you were sure that the targeted people would read it. How many people, who are looking for jobs, today use the newspaper? The youth today find it hectic to read the newspaper. It seems old fashioned and it is limited compared to the internet.

If you want to reach these people, it would be advisable to use Linked-In, Face-book or Twitter. This is because many people use these sites and therefore, you would reach your targeted audience as opposed to the other methods such as the use of the newspaper (Blessing & Chakrabarti, 2009).

The social media is effective because of the following things:

  • It has millions of potential candidates.
  • It is very easy to join.
  • It can be a good point of reference.
  • It is a good advertisement media.

The last two points are very crucial in the job recruitment procedure. It means that very many people will view them over time.



2. Aims

The main aims of this research are:

  • To see whether using Social media sites as a recruitment tool is effective.
  • To determine whether using Social media for recruitment purposes is better than the traditional methods of recruitment.
  • To look at the advantages and disadvantages of using the Social media sites for recruitment purposes.
  • To make the necessary recommendations in regards to the use of social media sites for recruitment purposes.

3. Thesis Statement

Use of Social Media sites is an effective process in the recruitment of new employees.

4. Objectives

  • To study and show how Jumbo Electronic limited can use social media sites to recruit new employees.
  • To show the different social media sites that are available for use in the recruitment purposes.
  • To study and show the social media sites that other companies use in the recruitment process.
  • To look at the costs that the Jumbo Electronics limited will incur during their employment procedures, while using the Social media sites.
  • To show the challenges that the Social media sites bring to the people who are involved in the recruitment process, particularly in Jumbo Electronics Limited.

Questions that you need to ask as a Company Before you Embark on the Recruitment Exercise

  1. As a corporate, what are the Jumbo Electronics limited company’s goals? What is the company hoping to achieve, in the long term and in the short term?
  2. Is the work force that the company currently has equipped with the necessary skills to achieve these goals?
  3. In which departments of our company are we hoping to employ workers? Which areas will we be hoping to fill in this recruitment exercise?
  4. What will be the qualifications that we will be looking for in our new staff members? Are we hoping to get technical minded personnel in our company, or are we hoping for white collar or blue-collar employees?
  5. How much as a company, are we willing to spend during this exercise?
  6. When will we start?

These questions will be used as a guideline. It is important to have a guideline or a laid out plan, which will ensure that during this exercise, we will be looking for a specific group of people to whom we will be more than willing to offer a job if they are qualified and meet our requirements. What one needs to do then is to establish a plan that will ensure that his or her recruitment plan is a success. If one fails to plan, then he or she will have no form of protection, in case he or she, or the team is faced with problems (Kamar, 2010).

5. The Plan

In order to establish a good plan, one needs to follow three steps. There exists no perfect plan but it is effective if one can come up with a plan that attempts to cover the most loopholes that might derail the research (Kamar, 2010).

Step 1: Establishment of the plan.

How will this be achievable? It will only be achievable, if one looks and answers carefully the questions that the research team established. Careful analysis of these questions will at-least give the team the necessary guidelines that they need, so as to make this whole exercise to be a success.

Step 2: The Company’s brand image:

Every company has an image. The whole point of a company having a logo and a catch phrase is, to separate itself from its competitors and thus, ensure that it can be identified as its own entity. To see the brand image of the company, it is important to look at the reviews of what the customers and the public are saying, in regards to the company. You can Google the company and look at what the people have to say in relation to the company. This will give one a clear perspective in relation to the company’s image.

Step 3: In this step, you have found your potential candidates, then what next. As a company and the recruiting team, you will have to engage the candidates and ensure that you only get the best in terms of the candidates that are there. As much as most people state that it is hard to know whether the candidates profile are real or fake, also it is hard to establish whether, the company’s profiles are real or fake. What will the company do to ensure the candidates feel that it is actually Jumbo Electronics and not another fake company? The way the company’s profile is, i.e. in the Social Networks, and the way it interacts with the potential candidates, their level of engagement will be the difference between the best candidates applying and these candidates not applying for the jobs posts that you as a company have advertised (Kamar, 2010).

6. What We Hope To Achieve At the End of This Research

This research will help us to remove some of the myths that people have in regards to the use of Social media sites as a recruitment process. In this project, we hope to achieve the following:

  • First, this research will give us a deeper insight in regards to the recruitment process in Jumbo Electronics. It will show us the success and failure rate of the recruitment process of Jumbo Electronics limited.
  • This project will help us to understand how the whole process of recruiting using the social media sites works. We will get to know how they choose their candidates from the applicants who apply. In addition, we will analyse the methods that they use select the best employees out of the selected candidates.
  • We will also get to know which Social media sites are preferred for the recruitment exercise by Jumbo Electronic Company.
  • Due to the nature of our research process, we will also be looking at how other companies that have established themselves in the international market recruit using the social media sites. In addition, we will get to know which sites are preferred and why they are preferred in relation to the other sites.
  • It will also be essential for us to know the operational costs that this company incurs while using this recruitment process.
  • We will get to know if this strategy is effective. If so we will determine how many candidates have been employed because of being recruited using the social media sites (O’Leary, Sheehan, & Lentz, 2011).
  • It is also important to understand the measures that the Jumbo Electronics take to avoid wasting their time with fraudsters or fake applicants and how many similar cases they experience during their recruitment exercises.
  • In addition, we will get to know how often they use this recruitment strategy to employ new employers (O’Leary, Sheehan, & Lentz, 2011).

7. The Reasons as to why this project Interests Me

The main reason why I am interested in this project is so that I can understand more about Jumbo Electronics and its recruitment strategies. Jumbo Electronics is a company that has established itself in the United Arab Emirates. It is looking to expand, and join the international market. With this in mind, one has to understand that, the recruitment strategies that this company uses are the best and therefore it is good to understand why they use these recruitment strategies (Rutledge, 2008).

Social media sites have people from all over the world. This means that you will get people who have different qualifications in different fields. This topic is quite interesting. It will help the Human Resource managers to understand how they can use these sites in a more resourceful manner. In the long term, it will help both the companies, i.e. the company will be able to employ only the best people and, many applicants would have an opportunity to apply for jobs using these sites. This will help them to have a better chance to get jobs. We are becoming a Global society and therefore, it is a high time whereby a person who was born, raised and studied in the USA can have a chance to go and work in Asia or Africa if there is the need and vice versa (Rutledge, 2008).

In addition, this study might prove resourceful to me in the future. If I decide to invest in a business of my choice, I will have acquired the necessary skills, which I will use for my recruitment purposes using the social media.

8. Legal procedures

Before the company’s starts its recruitment exercise, it is also important that they seek legal advice, in regards to the matter. It will be very bad for a company to be sued for things like, privacy intrusion or for other legal matter, simply because; they assumed or ignored a certain matter. In addition, the company might loose on a certain legal tender, simply because; they did not follow some certain legal issues that have been set by the government. So how does the company avoid such legal ramifications? It is important for the company to follow these guidelines.

  • Evaluation of the candidate: Before you employ a candidate, it is very important to do a background check on the candidate. The company as was stated earlier is looking to go international. Therefore, some of the new employees will be from other countries. Looking at the profile of this candidate, the one that he or she has uploaded on the internet will not be enough. A background check is very critical. This is because the candidate may be a hacker or a convicted felon. It is very important not to employ a candidate with a negative criminal background; it may come to haunt the company in the long term. In addition, the company can put its self in a position that encourages discriminating on individual based on what they have posted on the profile. A person might sue the company for discrimination because of what he or she has posted on face-book with regard to his/her sexual preferences, religious views, or even his or her social activities. The company might end up using a lot of money in legal court cases and this might not be good for the company (Sweeney & Craig, 2011).
  • Disparate impact: A study conducted by Quantcast revealed that in America, the African Americans make up a percentage of about 12.5%. However, the percentage that is registered in the Social media sites amounts only to 5%. In addition, the percentage for the Hispanics is 15.4%, but only 2% are registered. Furthermore, most of the people whose ages range from the mid-30s onward are not registered. Therefore, if a company relies so much on using social media sites for recruitment purposes, it risks legal consequences for discrimination along the lines of age and race (Sweeney & Craig, 2011).
  • Legal compliance: OFCCP compliance is a form of legislation that exists in America. These are a set of legal laws, which are set in order to ensure that the company does not favour certain people and discriminate others. In these laws, there exists a set of rules and guidelines. These rules and guidelines guarantee each potential candidate an equal opportunity during job application. The person does not have to be discriminated just because of the race, gender, religious views or even sexual preferences. In accordance with the law, a firm that is using these Social media networks will have to install certain software that will enable it to avoid such legal issues.

9. Literature Review

Over the years, technology has evolved in ways that we could not have imagined. Its evolution has an immense effect on how we live, communicate and socialize in general. In the past, when we wanted to communicate with our friends or family members in distant geographic locations, we could only call them using land line telephones or write them letters. However, in the present times, the mode of communication has significantly changed and this is because of the advances made in the technological field.

Initially, Social media sites were created with the sole purpose of social interactions between friends and family. The creators of Face-book, Twitter and sites such as Linked-In did not have a clue concerning the impact these sites were destined to have on our lives today (Susan S. Davis, 2011). If you had told the creator of Face-book, that his social media site would have over one billion users by the year 2013, he would have called you crazy. It seemed unbelievable at that time but today it is a reality. However, this site has become flexible since it now used for other purposes such as marketing, dating and for recruitment purposes by human resource managers.

Countless people have met on Face-book and ended up marrying each other. If people can meet, interact, and marry each other because of a social website, such as Face-book then what of organizational recruitment? Before you recruit a person, you have to build a relationship with this person, get to know in a more professional and personal manner and accomplish this in a relatively short time. Judging by the time short time that the employer and the employee spend in an interview these three tasks can be hard to accomplish. The whole point of an interview is for these two parties to build a relationship and then decide whether they can reach an agreement to work together.

When the interviewer and the interviewee are in the interviewing room during the recruitment process, the interviewer asks questions in order to achieve the following things:

  • Get to know more about the qualifications of the interviewee.
  • To be able to know how the interviewee will handle his or herself in certain work related situations.
  • To be able to asses the confidence level, attitude and the behaviour of the interviewee.

For the interviewee the whole purpose why he or she goes to the interview is:

  • To highlight his/her strengths to the recruiters
  • To show them that he or she understands the work that is before him or her and that he or she can be able to work with minimal supervision.

After they have built on this relationship, both parties will get to see if they can work together in the future.

If you were to ask any recruiter or Human Resource Manager, they would tell you that the recruitment process could be a very hard and daunting task. It is hectic and quite tiresome. The hours that you spend in a boardroom listening to people talking about the same thing can be quite tiresome and, in some cases boring. Overall, you have to choose the best from a certain number of applicants (Sweeney & Craig, 2011).

Social media has provided a platform that has made the recruitment process to be quite easy or better. When you use the social media sites as a platform for recruitment purposes, it has the following advantages:

  • These sites have what one would call a ‘ready market’. There are always available applicants in these sites. You do not have to look for them. The only thing that you need to do, is to post an advertisement and then you will get the required applicants.
  • You can choose from very many people. This raises your chance of hiring only the best people.
  • The applicants can regularly update their profiles to attract the recruiters. This is because they know of the high competition from other companies.
  • It is cheaper to post advertisement jobs in these sites than in the newspapers, radios or even in the television (Riley, 2012).
  • It is easier to build relationships and to know more about the applicant by simply looking at their status updates, they tell a lot in regards to the person who is updating them.

9.1 Why Should a Recruiter use these Tools?

Any recruiter would want all the applicants who apply for a certain job advertisement to be the best. The recruiter would want the most talented, highly qualified and the most competent workers to apply for the job. To be in such a situation, the number of applicants from which you choose from has to be many. This is where the Social media site comes into play. It creates the necessary platform from which one can use it to employ new people in their firm.

9.2 Who Have Used Social Media for Recruitment Purposes

Before Jumbo Electronics can use this method of recruitment process, it is best to see if other companies have used this method before. In addition, we will also see if they have had a good success rate. According to Jobvite 2012 Social recruitment survey, they stated, today about 92% of recruiters, use social media as a tool for their recruitment purposes. The use of Social media as a recruitment tool has been on the rise over the years. In 2010, the Social media site was used by 79% of the recruiters. In 2011, this percentage increases by 10% to 89% (TribeHR Staff, 2012).

In a report by one of the leading recruitment agencies in the United Kingdom, the Nigel Wright recruitment company, it was quoted as stating, “Social media, on the whole, is becoming a medium for work as well as play. The Impact of Social Media, essentially, companies and recruiters need to be where their candidates are in order to engage them in the recruitment process”. In this report it shows how when we use Social media site, as a recruitment tool, it results in the recruiter having an added advantage (TribeHR Staff, 2012).

To further on show that Social media sites are being used by many companies as a tool for recruitment, Chirag Nangia, when he was being interviewed by the Forbes magazine in the Q & A section, this is how he answered the following questions:

Here is an Excerpt of the interview:

“Q: Many people are worried about social media information because of how it could be misused by employers. What issues should employers be aware of when using social media information in the hiring process?

Chirag: Employers have to be constantly aware of the types of information they are restricted from using in the selection process. However, because doing a web search on a candidate reveals many types of information, including information deemed ‘Protected Class’ (race, gender, etc.), it can be potentially dangerous to assess candidates’ social media properties. Aside from being restricted, the process is time consuming and cumbersome to use when comparing across candidates. For job seekers, it opens up questions involving what they should or should not post to their own closed network of friends and family, which we believe is setting the wrong precedent.

Q: Your company helps employers screen potential candidates, including via online presence through the candidates’ social networks. How does this screening process work and what does Reppify do to ensure no ethical or legal boundaries are crossed?

Chirag: with the advent of social media, companies have more information than ever on job candidates, and the process of evaluating those candidates can be lengthy. In the past, companies tried to determine candidate fit through their résumés. Today, employers perform web searches on candidates, learn more about them from social media, and examine their work samples. These processes introduce noise and are potentially risky – the Protected Class issue I had mentioned before – often leading to inconsistent results as well. In addition, it is a challenge to derive useful information, such as passion around a particular technology or relevant professional connections. To ensure no ethical or legal boundaries are crossed, our proprietary technology removes the noise, such as Protected Class data, ensuring both the privacy of the job seeker is protected while helping the employer get a better perspective on the best candidates for the position.

Q: News stories tend to focus on the negative aspects about employers using social media in the hiring process. Is there anything positive in it for the job seeker/candidate?

Chirac: The job seeker has more opportunities today to find the right job than ever before. What used to take a tremendous amount of legwork on the part of the candidate can now be done through a quick search on the web. For example, at Reppify we are working on tools that allow a job seeker to leverage their network from around the web within their targeted job hunt to find the top opportunities for which they are most qualified. No longer does a job seeker has to apply to dozens of jobs and worry about not hearing back; we believe that fundamental model will change and smart organizations will work with their candidate pool to maximize recruiting efficiency.”

This was an interview, conducted by Lisa Quarst in the Forbes magazine in April 2012. In this interview, Chirag Nangia, who is a CEO of Reppify a business in San Francisco addresses the issues that many people have in regards to the use of social media as a tool for recruitment purposes.

The information that Chirag Nangia provides, is very crucial for employers because it shows them how they can use Social media sites to hire new personnel to the company. When you look at the second question, the interviewer asks the CEO, on the measures which they undertake in the screening process of the applicants. This very sensitive matter has troubled many employers. The social media is quite diverse in terms of information that is available and accessible. As much as the employer needs this information, there are lines, which he or she can easily close, and they will lead to legal problems (Clark, 2011).

The CEO also goes on to show how the Social media creates a platform for the employers to get the best applicants. He also goes on to show that the hiring team using the social media sites can also advantage these applicants. In this situation, the applicants need not to move from an area to another looking for jobs.

9.3 How to Use the Social Media as a Recruiting Tool

Looking at the three major Social sites i.e. Face-book, Twitter, and Linked-In, there are over a Billion users. As we stated earlier, Face-book has over 1 billion users alone. This means that if you are looking to employ people to fill in certain vacancies in your office, then, it is important to know how from all these potential workers, the criteria and strategies that one will use to ensure that only the qualified people for the position are employed (Clark, 2011).

9.4 Over View of these Social Sites

Face-book: This social medium has over 1 billion users in its site. This makes it the largest social site that is available. As we stated earlier, when this site was created, its main aim was to connect family and friends. However, it expanded to connecting business associates and organizations. This has made it an ideal site for recruitment purposes.

Twitter: Twitter is more of a business social site than face-book. It is not as popular as face-book and therefore does not command the number of followers that face-book enjoys. Social business purposes are among its functions and, therefore, it serves as a recruitment tool for the various companies including the Jumbo Electronics Limited (Akkanto, 2010).

Linked-In: This social site mainly targets professionals. For one to join this site, other professionals can invite one, and you can sign up and join this site and group. It has over 60 million professionals and offers the best plat form to find professionals to employ to do the various jobs.

Each of these social sites is unique and has its advantages and disadvantages. One needs to critically analyse these social sites and see which one is the best. For Jumbo Electronics they will need to look at all these sites and see which one of these best suit their needs. One can also use all of them, if the company has enough resources to cater for the costs.

9.5 Face-Book as a Recruiting Tool

Face-book comes with the advantage of numbers, pages and groups. It is one of the most visited sites on a daily basis. When you post an advertisement, one can be sure that it will reach its targeted audience. Due to its social nature, you can post a job advertisement and, your friends will be able to see this; because they have friends, they can recommend or even share this post and in this way, it will reach many people.

One can also create a page, say Jumbo Electronics ltd. In this page, the company will post its job advertisements and even other things that it needs. One should note that the two methods that we have stated above, for face-book are free of charge.  Also joining a group that shares your values and goals can also be a good option for posting of job advertisements. This is also free of charge (Wells, 2010).

If this fails to meet your standards, then you can move to use Face-book ads. Face-book ads have a very great advantage, in comparison to other ad sites such as Google and Yahoo. The advantage is that, it is great filtering options; enable it to meet its target in a more definite way than is possible with Google or Yahoo ads. These filters ask questions that ensure the advertisement will reach its targeted audience. The questions may be linked to; age, gender, and other things that you may want.

This is not something that is achievable when you are using the other ad sites. In addition to that, when you want to pay, you can decide to pay when the page highlighted or when people actually view the page. This option is not available when you are using the other sites. This makes face-book a very good tool for recruitment purposes (Overell, 2011).

9.6 Twitter

To post a job ad on Twitter, one need only to have a twitter account and you are good to go. If Jumbo Electronics limited wants a twitter account, they will only need to open an account. Then to post a job, you will only need to write a short message giving the most important details and locations.

If your account does not have a large following, you may decide to follow other people or groups depending on the prominence, so that many people might view your page. Twitter, provides an edge because; it is more of a business oriented site, than a social site.

The use of hash tags also provide a good medium in this site for the jobs marketing. In case you are experiencing problems with advertisements, one can use the services of companies, such as Ad-Logic to ensure that the advertisement reaches the right people.

9.7 Linked-In

In Linked-In you simply post a job ad in their page. After that, one pays $195 for the advertisement to stay on this site for 30 days. However, there are credits that people purchase in order to be able to pay for these services at a cheaper price. If you feel that this $195 is costly, you can post the job ad on your status box. It is free. The problem with this; is that; it will limit the number of viewers.

This site is for professional or professional oriented people. One needs to get to people or businesses that share their ideals. In doing this, you ensure that you have a big audience that will suit your purposes when the need comes.

It is also very important to join the Talent group especially if you plan to use this site as a recruitment tool. This is where various job candidates look for jobs. It will provide one with a good opportunity to find the correct people who they can employ.

This site provides a good plat-form to evaluate one’s professional profile. Once you have identified a suitable candidate, you can look at their profile to see if he or she can be a good fit for your company. How will this be achievable? You can view their photos and see what they post. This will tell you a thing or two in regards to the person you are dealing with. There are also recommendations, does this person have a good recommendation and who have recommended him or her? Can you reach these parties? It is very important to have such information. It will help in your evaluation process.

From these sites you can choose, the one that you feel suits the company and creates a favourable opportunity to bring the ideal personnel in the company. We will now see how Jumbo Electronics limited uses these social media sites to help in the recruitment process (JobVite Social Job Seeker Survey, 2012).

10. Research Methods and Methodology

We have talked about how the Social media can be resourceful and shown some of the benefits of using it, but how does one actually use the social media site for the recruitment of these new employees? What methods does the employer or recruiter use, to ensure that the company gets the best candidate?

In this section, we will be looking to see which methods, which the recruitment agency or the Human resource management uses, to ensure that it gets the best candidate. Before, we delve into this matter let us have a quick review, to create clarity and a better understanding to this issue.

How many people use the social media?

Face-book= as of 2012, it had recorded 845 million users.

Twitter = Twitter has 127 million users.

Linked In= It has about 150 million users

Google plus= this site has 90 million unique users

Pis interest= It has 21 million users.

So what do people do, when they are in these Social networks? Most of the people, about 67%, visit these social sites to interact with friends. Sixty-four percent interact with their family members. About 14% visit these sites to find people to whom they share common interests and thus socialize, about 10% go to these sites to make new friends, about 6% visit these sites to read and follow on the stories of their favourite celebrities, and about 3% use these sites for other things such as look for jobs (Morgan, 2012).

One might look at 3%, and see it as a rather small figure. However, 3% is a lot. If we calculate this figure, it will translate to,

845 million + 127million+ 150million+ 90million + 21 million= 1233 million users. This is actually 1.233 billion users. Let us then multiply this figure with the 3%:

3/100*1.233 billion users= 369,900,000 users. This is a very large figure.

So from this large figure, how do you get the needed information? One can get the information that is required by using various methods. This methods include, interviews, use of Questionnaires, Surveys, and the use of Information from the human connections that you have i.e. the mutual friends that one has (they are in a better position to tell you about the candidate, especially if they know them personally), and from the Information that is in the profile (Morgan, 2012).

10.1 Direct Interviews

Technology has made communication to be very easy. Not only can you chat with someone who is miles away but also; you can also video call them. These social media sites such as Face-book, has features, which enable one to communicate with person directly. You can either:

  • Choose to communicate with a person using chat message. In this feature, you will send a message to the interviewee and he or she can respond in a matter of minutes. It is a quick way to get to know a person and talk about various issues in relation to the job and to build on the relationship with the applicant. However, this method to some people is not efficient. For some people, in order for them to conduct interviews in a way that makes them feel good, they have to be able to see the person. Many people state that, “It’s always in the eyes”. In this they mean when they are asking questions, the way a person responds in terms of facial features in most cases will reveal more than what they actually say. This brings us to the second feature.
  • Video chatting/ video calling: This is more like video-conferencing or using Skye. When they are using video-chat, the two people who are communicating are seeing each other. It is more like you are in the same room even though you might be miles apart. We have seen time and time again, in the movies whereby a CEO, who is vacationing in his favourite place, let us say Mauritius is still able to conduct very functions with the company by video conferencing. The same case applies here. The appropriate solution is for the two parties to be friends. After this, they can agree on a time when they will all be in the Social network and then they can conduct the interview.

The advantage of using these features especially the message chat is that they have a back up system. Whenever, you log in you can look at the chat history and see how a certain person performed in relation to another. You do not have to rely on memory. This is because; you can always go back and make the necessary comparisons. In the end, it will help you to choose the best candidate from all the applicants (Allen, 2012).

10.2 The Benefits of Using Such Features

  • When using these sites it is easy to recruit the new employees.
  • It is quite easy to get the necessary responses from the candidates; because you have asked a wide array of questions to ask, you can get to know the interviewee on a personal level.
  • As we stated above, one can make a quick follow-up because there is the chat history, which one can look at in order to make a judgement in regards to the candidate one picks. One can also communicate subsequent interviews using the same medium of communication. Also because of face-book being a social media site, there are mutual friends. You can ask for some information from these mutual friends, in relation to your candidate. This is also one way to conduct a background check.
  • It enables one to interview more than one person. You can ask different candidates the same questions using the chat feature on face-book or other social media site. What this does is it will enable you to make a comparison of the candidates based on their answers and therefore, it will help in the elimination process. Imagine that you are to interview a hundred people in one day. Use the chat feature, you can interview up to 10 people at the same time.

10.3 The Challenges

  • In some cases, it may be hard to reach the interviewee. The difference in time zones makes it very difficult for these two parties to communicate.
  • It can be very time consuming and tiresome. This is because more candidates mean more interviews. This can be very tiring to the interviewer.
  • If one is not careful, he or she might over step the legal lines. The company risks legal action for crimes such as discrimination or prejudice. This is simply because of ignorance.
  • Reliability of the information: A person may manipulate his or her information simply because he or she knows that you as an interviewer will conduct a background check. What this means is that the information that one provides, cannot be guaranteed until a very good background check has been conducted (Cann, 2010).

10.4 Things that you can do to Avoid Legal Cases while Using Social Media Sites

When using social media sites, one always faces the risk of violating the law. If you follow these procedures, then one can avoid these legal battles. The procedures are:

  • Create awareness: It readily apparent to your applicants that you will use these social media services to vet them and, look at their personal profiles. Once you have made these things clear, the applicants cannot go and sue you that you have gotten information from their profiles and thus eliminated them based on the company’s policies.
  • Use the services of an independent researcher to get this information. The work of this independent researcher will be to conduct a background check on your behalf. They will then advice you in regards to their research if the candidate is good for the company or not. When a company does this, it is acting in line with the set legal laws that govern the use of social media sites.
  • Do not try to read between the lines. People update many things, in regards to many topics. This does not mean that they are true or that they believe in them. As much as the company is trying to get to know this new person, they should also try to keep an open mind (Hansen, 2009).

10.5 Use of Questionnaires

In use of questionnaires, we will have two types of questionnaires; one will contain closed end questions and the other will contain open-ended questions. In the closed ended questions, our Jumbo Electronics limited is the primary focus. The main reason why we will ask these questions is that we want to know how much these candidates know about Jumbo Electronics. It is important for them to know and understand their company, its history and its activities. Why is this important? An applicant should at-least to know about the company. Why else would he apply for a position in the company? If a person takes his or her time to get also a background check in regards to the company, it means that he or she is not only careful but, he or she is also dedicated and passionate about his or her work. One should not assume and these open-ended questions will help us in this evaluation process.

Open-ended questionnaires will give us more insight in regards to the applicant that we are dealing with. As the recruitment team in Jumbo Electronics, we will create a set of questions that will help us to know and understand more about the applicant. We will design some questions, which will provide answers that we need.

Questionnaires are very important especially when it has been hard for the two parties to establish an appropriate time to conduct these interviews. You still want to get the required information from the candidate. You can send to their profile the two questionnaires, one with the closed ended questions and the other with the open-ended questions. Below is a sample of the questions that will be in these questionnaires (Social Media Facts).

10.6 Closed Ended Questions

  1. Who was the founder of this company?
  2. When did the first branch open?
  3. How many branches do we have?
  4. From which countries do we operate in?
  5. Which is our main branch?
  6. Could you name our affiliate companies?
  7. How did you know about our interview?

10.7 Open Ended Questions

  1. Who are your heroes and why?
  2. What will be your next move, in case you started working with us and then you found out that this was not what you were looking for, what will be your next move?
  3. Could you tell us something about you that we did not know?
  4. Could you provide us with the characteristics and qualities of the people you like to work with?
  5. Why should we pick you? Why do you think that you are the best fit for this company?
  6. Describe yourself in five words.

In using these two questionnaires, we will be able to get both the qualitative and the quantitative things that we require. Open-ended questions achieve qualitative answers. These questions will require a person to talk more and divulge more information. If you look at the questions that we have asked above, and select one question i.e. question 4, “Could you provide us with the characteristics and qualities of the people you like to work with?” the one who is answering this question, will have to describe the characteristics that he or she loves in a person. Next he or she will also talk about the desired qualities that he or she also likes. In this manner, the type of answer that he or she gives, will give the recruitment team some more information in regards to these candidates (Allen, 2012).

Closed ended questions will be more of a quantitative nature. They need a short and precise answer. One does not need to give extra information in regards to these questions. In some circumstances, it will only need a yes or no answer. If we were to select one question seven, “How did you know about our interview?” This is a closed ended question. One will just need to answer this question with one answer. There may also be choices from which one can select. The choices may be; (a) Face-book (b) Twitter (c) Linked-In (d) Google. How this interviewees answer, will give us a clear perspective of which modes are effective and which ones are not (Clark, 2011).

10.8 Conducting Surveys

The reason, as to why it is important to conduct a survey, is to establish if the method that we are using is working for us or it is against us. In our survey, we will focus more on the case study survey so that we can achieve our goals. Case study surveys are favourable because they focus on a certain age set.

Our target population is 120 people. We will divide this population so that it can touch on the areas that we hope to establish our companies. We will divide them according to their continents; i.e. 20 from each continent. After we have found these people, we will ask them a set of close-ended questions. These questions will mainly target on the knowledge and popularity of our company. When we analyse this information, it will tell us more about how people view our company and if they would be willing to work with us (JobVite Social Job Seeker Survey, 2012).

The sample size is ideal for this type of survey because people are from different continents. Sampling is very important because one wants to get the general view of the population. In our sampling, we will also focus on having an equal number of male and female participants.

We will use questionnaires that have a yes or no answer. It will be quick to answer these questions and for our main analysis. Because these people live in different parts of the world, once they have accepted to participate in our exercise, we will send them a link, with the stated information in relation to the company. To select the participants, we will have to visit their profiles and then contact them.

The survey will be for a period of 10 days. We will give those 6 days to answer their questions and give us responses. After that, 4 days the analysis of data starts. After the analysis, we will write a report and forward it to the management who decide on the way forward (Riley, 2012).

10.9 Reference from Friends

The social media has made us to become a global village. We have friends who know other friends and those friends know other friends. Perhaps, an appropriate metaphorical comparison is a spider web. Due to this fact, in our recruitment exercise, we may decide to ask our friends to give us recommendations in regards to the applicants, especially if they know them on a personal level.

For instance, a site like Linked-In attracts professionals. This gives it one of the best plat-forms to get candidates who will be the new employees in the company. Jumbo Electronics will look at its personnel in the professional group. It may decide to make a formal inquiry. In most cases, there will be respondents who will tell them of the available candidates. Jumbo Electronics limited, as it is looking for new staff members will have to interview these candidates. Then after interviewing them, the company may decide to engage further with the ‘recommender’ to get more information, pertaining to the candidate. In this view, it will decide on whether to employ the candidate or not (Clark, 2011).

10.10 Deduction and Induction

Both deductive and inductive, are ways of reasoning but from a different approach. In deductive reasoning, one mainly formulates a general idea. From this general idea, one then starts to build on the specifics. Deductive reasoning either accepts or denies a hypothesis. Inductive reasoning begins with the specifics and then moves to the general ideas.

To ensure that our study focussed on the real issues and that we were on the right track, we decided also to interview different recruitment teams that held different positions in the different companies. This was to establish if social network was a good recruitment tool or it was not. To ascertain this we asked these recruitment teams this question “Do you find, social network as a good plat-form for looking for new employees?” The number of people that we interviewed was 100. This is how they responded in terms of percentage. This data reveals a trend if compared with another data from a research that took place in 2010. The percentages signify the number of people who believed that social media was a good source for recruiting new members to their work force (Hansen, 2009).

Table 1: showing how companies use the social media

Position in a company 2010 2012
CEOs 33% 52%
HR managers 48% 62%
Employed staff 50% 75%


A point to note is that in each section there has been an increase in the views of the stated group in terms of use of social media as a good recruitment site.

This graph represents the views of the interviewees. It is evident in all the sectors they believed that, the use of social media networks was a better option.

11. Results and Data Analysis

11.1 Primary and Secondary Data

The primary data that we will use is from the questionnaires, interviews and the survey. From the feedback provided through the questionnaires, we will determine whether this method is a good recruitment tool or not. In our data collection, we decided to use 120 people, 20 people from each continent, 10 were male, and the other 10 were female. The people who participated in this survey were of between 25 and 35 years. We were targeting this age group.

From the survey that we carried out, it gave the following feedback in regards to the questions that we asked.

  • Forty five percent of the people had known about the application from Linked-In, 35% from face-book, 15% from twitter and the other 5% was from other sources such as Google ad.
  • In the question that we asked about availability for extra shifts, 25% were willing, 45% said that they were not sure and, 30% stated that they would not be available for the extra shifts.
  • We also found out that most of the people had done the background research in regards to our company, 85% of the respondents knew all about the company’s history and current affairs. Only 15% of the people did not know about the details of the company (Susan S. Davis, 2011).

We represented the information on a table and in a graph as stated below.

Criteria Respondents %
How did one find out about the job opportunity at Jumbo Limited Linked-In (45%) Face-book (35%) Twitter (15%) Other (5%)
Availability for extra shifts Willing (25%) Not sure (45%)  Unavailable (30%)
Background Research Did (85%) Did not (15%)






Graph 1: Finding out about the job


This is a graphical representation of how people found out about the vacancies in Jumbo Electronic Limited.

Graph 2: Extra Shifts


This graph shows the availability or the willingness of individuals to work on extra shifts. This represents one of the questions that we used on our close-ended questionnaire. This question intended to determine who was willing to work and who was not willing. It helped us in our analysis and in generating feedback.

Graph 3: Background research

This graph represents on the two groups of people, those who did a background check and, those who did not conduct a background check.

11.2 Secondary Sources

Secondary sources provide us with the necessary data that we need for our analysis. This is because; these sources used these sets of data to come up with a viable conclusion. It shows us what they found out and we can use these sources as references for our own works.

We will use secondary data from the social surveys websites. We will use information from Jobvite website. We will gather the information recorded by this website over the years in relation to social media sites and if they are a good recruitment tool (Rutledge, 2008).

Jobvite has conducted a survey about the use of social media sites as sources for job recruitments for the past four years. During these surveys, they have been able to establish the following things:

  • Companies will be increasing their investments on social recruiting by about 55%. This is to cater for the growing costs in the social recruitment. This also caters for costs in referrals that the company is experiencing now.
  • There is an increase in the number of companies willing to use social sites as a recruiting tool as compared to four years ago.
  • In the survey, it we found out that only 16% of the people interviewed still use the traditional methods of recruitment as their main recruitment tool.
  • In the use of social network as a recruiting tool, most people use Linked-In, then Face-book and then twitter. Eighty seven percent of the people who participated in this survey used Linked-In as a main recruiting tool. This was an increase from 78% the previous year. Those who used Face-book as a main recruitment tool were 55%, and those who use Twitter were 47% (Cann, 2010).

The following questions featured in the survey. The data representation featured visually in various graphs and pie charts.

The first question was about if the company used social media sites for recruitment purposes. The graphical representation is as follows,






The second question asked how many people used social media for recruitment purposes and this is how different companies responded. The graphical representation is as follows,



The third question was asking for the success rate of using social media sites for the recruitment purposes. The graphical representation is as follows,


The fourth question that was asked was which the most suitable recruitment tool was graphical representation is as follows,

12. Discussion

There has been a lot of debate in regards to the use of social media sites as sources of recruitment. Many people view this matter in very different terms. For some it has offered an untapped source of talent that would have been hard to find if they did not use these social media sites. For others, this is a risky way of recruiting people and it would be unwise to include staff members from these sites. What is the best way to move forward?  So as to discuss validly the issues in regards to social recruitment of candidates, it is essential for us to compare, this procedure with any other procedure that has been used in the past, present, and also in the near future as a recruitment tool. In our case, we will use the traditional method of recruitment (Akkanto, 2010).

How is the traditional method of recruiting executed? What are the procedures that people follow in these recruitment exercises?  Use of old recruitment methods include the use of newspapers to advertise for the available vacancies that are in the company. This method is an ancient recruitment method. If a company has a vacancy, it contacts the newspaper agency so that they can go on and place an advertisement to show the job advertisement. In this advertisement, it will contain the basic requirements such as; age, qualifications, and experience needed. If one meets these criteria, there is a website that a person can sent the CV and then if this impresses the recruiter he or she secures a position in this new company.

Some companies use the unemployment office to post their job vacancies. People who will visit these offices are people who are looking for work that relates to the company. If there is a job opening, it might be quite easy to interact with these people and, therefore get new employees who will be able to work in the firm. It is also quite cheap to use such methods (Overell, 2011).

Some companies use temporary agencies, who advertise their jobs on behalf of them. Most of these agencies have a board on the city centre where they will place these advertisements for as long as this company wants the advertisement to be there. People will thus be able to see this advertisement as they pass through (Wells, 2010).

There are companies, which believe that the best talent is in the Universities and colleges. Therefore, they will ensure that they go to these campuses and look for candidates who they will employ into their own company.

In all these traditional method of recruitment, after the candidate has seen the application, he or she has to write down an Application letter, send it to the company and then wait for a phone call to invite him or her to the interview. The candidate has then to pass the written interview or an oral interview. In most cases the candidate has to wait for some more time in order to see if he or she has been approved to work for the company or not.

This process is quite tasking and expensive for the two parties that are involved in the interview. It is tasking because; a potential candidate has to walk or travel on a daily basis to the unemployment office or temporary advertisement agency to see if there is a new job posted. This can be quite tiresome and may lead to one giving up on such matter. For the employer he or she has to go through all the Curriculum vitae so that, he or she sees who has qualified and then contact them to set up an interview (Clark, 2011).

It is also very expensive for the candidates. This is because they have to buy a newspaper frequently so that they may see if there is any available job posting. Also travelling to these advertisement posts can be quite expensive for the applicant. They have no jobs, and yet the site forces them to incur expenses to be able to view a job posting that they may eventually fail to secure.

Use of Social media sites can be an added advantage to a company in terms of finding new employees. One has to put into consideration that, one of the main reasons why this company is recruiting in the first place, is because it is expanding. This therefore means it will have to get new candidates from the new countries where it will be going, if it hopes to achieve its goals that it has set.

This will mean that it will need the people in these countries or areas to be able to see their advertisements and respond quite quickly. How will they deliver this message to the candidates in a manner that is cost effective and efficient? If they decide to use the newspaper or the recruitment agencies, it will be quite expensive. Imagine they will have to hire a certain size of space from newspapers in every region that they will be targeting. Even though, Jumbo Electronics is quite a successful company, this would be very expensive (Cann, 2010).

The use of social media sites can be a cheaper option. The rate of success of different companies in most cases is due to the decisions that the company’s top players make, in regards to the company. Once they have posted this advertisement on their preferred social media site, this information will be available to the candidates to see and this will mean that if they are qualified they can send their resumes (Wells, 2010).

Also in traditional methods of recruitment, the interview is mainly face-to-face. This means that this recruitment team will have to travel over different countries so that they are able to conduct these interviews. This very expensive process in most cases affects the company’s financial structures. The company has to pay for the air tickets of the recruitment team members, their stay in that country and other allowances.

This is avoidable by using social media site. In the sites such as face-book, the video chat or instant messaging provides a suitable medium for these parties to communicate and therefore, make the necessary decisions in regards to employment of employees (O’Leary, Sheehan, & Lentz, 2011).

In order to see the importance of the use of social media sites as a recruitment tool, we will look at an interview by Susan Heathfield to Rob Pickell. Rob Pickell is the senior Vice president of customer solutions at Hire Right. This is what he had to say in regards to the use of social media sites as a recruitment tool. We took only the questions that critically show the importance of using Social media as a recruitment tool.

The Interview

Susan Heathfield: How are employers currently using social media as a recruitment tool?

Rob Pickell: Employers are using social media as a valuable tool for sourcing and recruiting prospective candidates. Social networking allows organizations to build their employment brand and awareness, expand the breadth and depth of their network, target top talent in a large range of skill sets, and improve the effectiveness of their recruiting efforts.

Heathfield: I have written about how employers can use Linked In for recruiting employees. I am looking for additional insights from you about how employers use Linked In for recruiting.

Pickell: Linked In is the web version of business networking. Someone has told us all that networking is the best way to find a new job, and you can look at Linked In as the online equivalent to in-person business networking. For job seekers, Linked In provides a casual way to network with large numbers of people they know and the people that those people know. Linked In also allows job seekers to follow the news and job postings of their targeted employers.

For employers, Linked In provides a wealth of information about the qualifications of jobseekers and can help employers leverage their own networks (and those of their employees) to find potential candidates for job openings. Employers can create company profiles and set up feeds of information (including new job postings) for those who would like to follow them. Linked In also offers employers a fee-based solution that allows them to move quickly and easily find potential job candidates that best match the qualifications of the job they want to fill.

Heathfield: I have also written about how employers can use Facebook for recruiting, but please share your thoughts about Facebook recruiting.

Pickell: Like Linked In, Facebook enables employers to create a presence that reflects their employment brand, find potential candidates, and post jobs. In addition, it enables great opportunities for interaction with candidates and allows organizations to create a community. Facebook originally geared towards personal communication, but has morphed into a tool that is being used more and more for business.

Heathfield: Let us cover all of the big three social media sites. How are employers using Twitter as a recruiting tool?

Pickell: for employers, Twitter is primarily effective at increasing exposure and communicating with groups of individuals who wish to follow the organization. It is also used to advertise jobs. Some companies have job channels and/or individual recruiters who operate dedicated Twitter accounts for communicating with interested job candidates.

Heathfield: Given these risks, how are employers using social media in their employee screening and background check processes?

Pickell: Generally, the social media screening and background check practices by employers fall into three basic categories:

  • Not accessing social media sites at all for any purpose in hiring.
  • Employing social media for the sourcing of candidates, but not using it for screening or background checks.
  • Using social media in all areas of hiring.

Employers need to consult with their legal counsel prior to developing an approach to the use of social media in hiring. Especially if the employer intends to use social media as part of the screening and background checking process.”

This is an excerpt of this interview. The reason as to why we used it is to clarify the point in regards to the importance of social media for employers. This was from an employer’s perspective. It is very important to get this information from the employer because; they are the ones who use these methods of recruitment and who is better placed to provide the best tools for recruitment other than the employer himself (Arthur, 2012).

13. Recommendation

Based on this study, Jumbo Electronics should use social media as a recruitment tool for the company’s new employees. This is because; these sites offer a plat-form for the company to get better employees to work for the company. Also, the use of social media sites for recruitment purposes makes it easier for this company to be able to conduct an interview to the candidates and then look to see if they will employ them or not. Other advantages of using this mode of recruitment method are that it is easier to build relationships while using this method, it is easier to look at somebody’s profile and therefore know more about a person, and it is both time and cost effective for a potential employer.

14. Conclusion

One cannot deny the importance of using social media sites as a useful recruiting tool. Technology is constantly changing and companies should look to embrace the new things that come with this new technology. In our analysis that we conducted, we concluded that the use of social media sites as a recruitment is a favourable option by many employers today (Blessing & Chakrabarti, 2009).

Considering this Jumbo Electronics should use this method. This is because the company wants to move to the international market. It will get the best talent if it decides to use this type of recruitment method. It will be able to source the best talent from these countries based on the use of the Social media sites. If the candidate and recruiter come into an agreement, then the company will be able to hire the staff that it requires (Kamar, 2010).

The social media site provides good opportunities for the applicants to find an opportunity to apply for a job. The recruiter can easily do a background check before engaging the interviewee in any questions. It is very important to consult your legal counsel before using this method so that one does not break the legal laws in relation to the use of Social media as a recruitment tool. In this research paper, we have answered the two hypotheses that we formulated in the beginning. We have shown that the social media sites are an effective recruiting tool and, that this method is better than the traditional method (Overell, 2011).



Appendix 1: Google advertisement

Company Name: Jumbo Electronics

Available Position: IT Expert

Required Qualifications: Age 25-35 years, Experience: 2-3 working years in a respectable firm, Must have a Bachelor’s Degree in IT.

If you have the necessary qualifications, send us your CV in our e-mail

Appendix 2: The Questionnaires that will use in the Interview

Closed Ended Questions

  1. Who was the founder of this company?
  2. When did the first branch open?
  3. How many branches do we have?
  4. From which countries do we operate in?
  5. Which is our main branch?
  6. Could you name our affiliate companies?
  7. How did you know about our interview?

Open Ended Questions

  1. Who are your heroes and why?
  2. What will be your next move, in case you started working with us and then you found out that this was not what you were looking for, what will be your next move?
  3. Could you tell us something about you that we did not know?
  4. Could you provide us with the characteristics and qualities of the people you like to work with?
  5. Why should we pick you? Why do you think that you are the best fit for this company?
  6. Describe yourself in five words.


Appendix 3: Table 1: showing how companies use the social media

Position in a company 2010 2012
CEOs 33% 52%
HR managers 48% 62%
Employed staff 50% 75%


Appendix 4: Graph 1:

Appendix 5: Graphs 2, 3& 4








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550 words

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