Personal Code of Ethics





Personal Code of Ethics

According to Kidder’s book: How Good People Make Tough Choices, code of ethics is defined as a set of rules and principles applied by an individual, group or company to structure their decision making process in an effort to discern right from wrong. The code of ethics is similar to a code of conduct. The intensity and context of a code determine sanctions or penalties given from violation of the code. Personal codes of ethics are used to give the public assurance that an individual within a profession acts and behaves in a socially acceptable manner. Codes of conduct are made up of professional principles, personal values and intangible compliance. The need for personal codes arises from the fact that the society expects an individual to have a defined behavior regardless of their background and religion. The individual code of ethics that I will use in life are more than tenets of religion as they are conventions of conduct influenced by the immediate environment, profession and upbringing.

Principles that will Guide in my Profession

My desired career objective is to act as an account planner within an advertising agency. Individual code of ethics will be derived from the two professional fields of accounts and advertising that are already established. The professional codes of ethics in advertising that will guide my professional behavior are listed in the 4A’s standards of practice. The professional codes state that for an advertiser to fulfill their duties, the firm must be in cohesion with an obligation not only to their clients but also with the public and media (Blocher 85). An advertising firm operates only on merits and attains contracts under their merits. The advertising firm should not discredit or damage a competitor’s reputation in their work to acquire an added advantage. Advantage will be acquired through continuous improvement of the advertising firm (Blocher 85). Comparative advertising between firms shall be regulated with equal standards of substantiation and truthfulness. Substantial comparison of facts, visual capabilities and market response will determine the better firm. When a consumer’s behavior is depicted by an advertiser, the consumer must be provided with an option of rejecting the advertisement before release (Blocher 86).

Codes of ethics in the profession of accounting will guide my behavior and decision making process as an accountant. The first code states that an accountant is accountable to perform in the public interest. The responsibility of an accountant is not exclusive to a client or an organization but also to the public. The second code necessitates an accountant to identify risks and loops that come with compliance of a company principle. The code requires professional judgment to avoid conflict of interests and legal disputes. The third professional code of accounting outlays five fundamental principles. The first principle is integrity. Integrity calls for openness and sincerity in all business relationships between the accountant and the client. The second principle is objectivity (Kidder 45). An accountant should not permit prejudice or unwarranted influence from others to supersede professional and business ruling. The third principle is professional due care and proficiency. This principle streamlines an accountant to be up to date with the professional skills and knowledge of his/her trade. A client should receive competent services that are in touch with current existing legislations and techniques. The fourth principle is confidentiality. Information acquired from accounting duties should not be disclosed to third parties for personal advantage. The final principle is professional behavior. The principle guides an accountant to follow laws and regulations of an organization and avoid situations that may discredit his/her profession (Duska, Duska and Ragatz 25).

Core Values that will Guide

The core values that will guide my profession are social, moral and instrumental values. The moral values according to Sims and Ronald are honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect and transparency (Hinman 25). Honesty in being straightforward in transactions to honor the commitments and promises offered to a client. Responsibility in accepting the penalties of the decision made under the company strategy. Responsibility is carried out through avoidance of coercion with all stakeholders. To balance the requirements of the client and that of my employer, fairness must be used. Fairness will remove conflicts in interests between the two parties. Respect to value personal differences in clients in an effort to avoid stereotyping the clients. The value will accord each stakeholder within a business transaction the required dignity. Transparency is the final value that will create an environment with openness and effective communication. Transparency gives positive criticism from customers fostering a healthy relationship between stakeholders (Hinman 25).

In analysis of ethical dilemmas that require rapid and substantiated response, the Ginn model for code of ethics will derive the most suitable action. The model developed by John Ginn entails a seven-step ethical decision-making process that guarantees socially acceptable behavior. The seven steps entail stating the key decision, identification of aspects for and against the key decision, detection of key principles within moral and professional limits, personal analysis of the entity I am most loyal to, catalog of options outside the key decision, examination of the alternatives then final decision-making based on the outcome of the alternatives. The Ginn model uses a traditional ethical theory, which is based on heavy moral reasoning and critical thinking to solve ethical dilemmas.

Purposes of my Code

An ethical code of conduct is meant to act as a pivot guide and reference for an individual as he/she sets out on a day-to-day decision-making. To a company, the code is meant to highlight the principles and standards of professional behavior. The ethical code is an open revelation of the manner in which an organization operates. The code is used as a reflection of the agreement a company undertook to endorse its important values, employee standards and relationship with clients while doing business. The code is a tool for an individual and an organization to develop positive images in the public fostering healthy business relationships. Ethical codes will act as regulatory barriers and guidelines in my profession. The codes will identify the correct manner in which to communicate with clients handing the required amounts of respect and efficiency. Proper interaction with clients will be in an effort to elevate my career to greater positions through connectivity and performance. Professional behavior based on the codes will map out an image of me that can be used by other employees as an example of acceptable conduct inside and outside the workplace. The main objective of implementing the code of conducts is to transform my manner of thinking into one that is professionally and socially upright. The revised manner of thinking will project to my character forming a reference point for others to emulate.



Works Cited:

Blocher, Harald. Advertising Ethics: An Oxymoron? Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2005. Print.

Duska, Ronald, Brenda Duska and Julie Ragatz. Accounting Ethics. Hoboken, 2011. Print.

Hinman, Lawrence. Ethics: A pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory. Fort Worth, Texas, 2013. Print.

Kidder, Rushworth.  How Good People Make Tough Choices. New York: Morrow, 1995. Print.

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