New Supervisor





New Supervisor

Task 4

Gaining Confidence of Employees and Encouraging Employee Contribution

Building confidence in employees is considered an important element in any organisation and for any leader responsible for managing the workforce (Hall 23). It is through gaining their confidence that their contribution is increased. Several ways are employed in developing confidence of the employees towards their leader.

  1. Consistency

Consistency is one of the fundamental pillars of work ethic. In addition, an essential trait assures productivity, reliability, and trust (Fina 30). A supervisor should show consistency through continually reinforcing the values of the organisation. This is also implemented in the manner in which a supervisor treats other employees (De Jong 45). Treating the workforce with respect and dignity consistently is resourceful in establishing good relations and even fostering confidence.

  1. Personal Development

A supervisor is able to gain confidence in the workforce through ensuring that all the activities conducted within the organisation also beneficial to it (De Jong 46). This is regarding personal development. The supervisor is expected to request the employees to identify the specific interests and goals they have for opportunities to be created that will increase their personal development as well as that of the organisation (Hall 26).

  1. Feedback and Coaching

Inspiring motivational words and counsel are considered effective in development confidence. For instance, a supervisor increases the trust and confidence an employee through acknowledging good work and offering feedback on their performance when handling different duties (De Jong 48). Rewards also have an effect on employee confidence as the recognition allows the employee to acknowledge the assistance and opportunities offered by those in management to illustrate their dexterity and expertise (Hall 30). Additionally, in areas where the employee demonstrates weakness, for confidence to be established, it is imperative to offer coaching that improves the productivity of the employee.

Resolving Conflict to Reduce Poor Work Performance

Resolving conflicts within the work environment is crucial in ensuring that operations are run smoothly, and there is teamwork amongst the employees. The first aspect to consider is communication. On reflecting on the occurrence conflict, conflicts are created when there is a miscommunication or lack of communication (De Jong 50). To resolve conflict, all the information should be tabulated and evaluated from a logical perspective. This is a sure way of resolving this issue and accommodating the conflicting parties. The second aspect that can be considered is arbitrating between the conflicting parties. This provides a platform whereby the accused party is able to apologise or reach an amicable position.

Leadership as a supervisor is characterised by the ability to illustrate good management. This is primarily because management is a determining factor in the success of an organisation (De Jong 51). It is considered as a science and art as well whose mastery solely rests on the individuals charged with this responsibility. It allows the workforce to be more effectual in accomplishing and fulfilling tasks. They are four pillars that are synonymous with management and are important to implement as a supervisor (Hall 30). They include monitoring, directing, organising and planning. A supervisor might also be faced with difficult situations that require for practical application of the theoretical frameworks of management. An evaluation of the intricacies and experiences of a new supervisor are a crucial topic.

Barriers to Communication

One of the main difficulties supervisors face is situations where they are uncomfortable communicating with particular person/persons within the work setting. Several solutions can be applied in solving this predicament hence improving communication. However, it is imperative to consider the causative barriers that are likely to create this discomfort as well as the probable remedies.

  1. Interpersonal Barriers

In definition, interpersonal barriers are those that arise based on the level of confidence and self-esteem the interacting workforce possesses. Communication signals from individual persons connote varied messages depending on their conveyance (Keller 22). The first barrier is stereotyping. Due to the different attributes workers possess, there is the likelihood of judgements being passed based on this. Such stereotypes lead to communication breakdown and eventual disagreements. The second interpersonal barrier is prejudice (Fina 31). Groups within the workforce are likely to develop prejudiced perceptions of persons they dislike based on their status, knowledge or experience. Physical features are also a determining factor that might lead to such communication barrier. This comprises on the dressing code, height amongst others.


The supervisor should focus on ensuring that awareness of equality is established. This is done through reiterating that each worker plays a significant role within the organization. Hence, everyone is beneficial.

  1. Cultural Barriers

The work setting is comprised of individuals from various ethnic backgrounds (Johnson and Keddy 56). This translates to the reality that one language is inadequate for effective communication as some worker consider English a second language (Keller 24). Workers can also possess different styles of communication and employ different words with similar meaning. This is considered as a cultural barrier of communication within the organizational setting.


It is imperative for the supervisor to ensure that all workers accept and are aware of the cultural difference. This is achieved through implementation of programmes such as diversity training.

  1. Organisational Barriers

In the organization, workers develop different perceptions about each other.

This can be influenced by status. For instance, persons in different ranks within the organisation might have misconceived judgements about each other hence deterring the effectiveness of the communication that is necessary (Keller 26). Secondly, self-fulfilling prophecies from the management might break down communication. In that, an employee is likely to underperform if that is the expectation (Johnson and Keddy 58). Distance is another issue that might create a barrier.


A supervisor can solve these barriers through ensuring face-to-face communication. Secondly, he/she should motivate the workers to increase productivity as opposed to expecting poor performance (Keller 28). This is useful in reducing the judgmental attitudes that might be created through professional interactions.

Benefits of Resolving Issues

Effective communication is a consequence of resolving barriers. It is a valuable asset in any organizational setting. Several benefits are reaped from having an effectual communication within the workforce (McCollum 66). Firstly, this form of communication provides assistance when dealing with cultural and ethnic diversity in the organisation. This is effective in reducing barriers that are created by these characteristics. Miscommunication and confusion are also avoided hence an increase in production and reduced cases concerning operational errors (Keller 32). Secondly, global business is facilitated by effective communication. This is because supervisors and managers, as well as employees, are able to communicate well with other counterparts stationed in different areas of the world (Grensing-Pophal 55). Because supervisors understand the importance of cultural differences, and have inculcated this knowledge in the workforce, it is easier for employees to excel in their interpersonal and professional interactions anywhere in the global marketplace.

Employee morale is another advantageous benefit that is derived from effective communication. It is essential in the creation of highly effectual and productive teams as they are able to develop trust amongst one another (Johnson and Keddy 62). The result of this scenario is the development of a positive and health working environment and eradication of confusion and frustration amongst the workers. Three steps should be taken when reporting on any unresolved conflicts at the workplace. Firstly, it is important to understand the type of boss you have to know the manner in which the message can be relayed.


Task 5

Volunteer Management Plan


The main purpose of the volunteer management plan will be to provide clear goals and objectives that will be used in supporting volunteer retention and recruitment. This is primarily because the company relies on the viability of this process to smoothen and improve its operation as well as productivity. Hence, the organisation has decided to recognise, support, and reward the volunteers through the implementation of a project that will ensure the aforementioned activities are achieved and fulfilled. The representatives appointed for the running of this project are expected to ensure that it is successfully developed and implemented. The volunteers will be from within the community. The project will be a rewarding and challenging experience for the organisation and its workforce as it will be directed not only towards retention of the volunteers but also in improving the cohesion of the labor force of the organisation.


Several areas will be covered in the project. They include

  1. Selection and Screening

This activity will be conducted to ensure that the volunteers’ profile are properly evaluated and assessed. The organisation representative will be in charge of conducting the interviews, which will determine those that will be selected for the project. Additionally, it is a guarantee that the selected candidates will be able to fit in the roles that are vacant within the organisation.

  1. Recruitment

The process will include sourcing out for strategies that will be effective in conducting the recruitment process of volunteers that are from the local community. The team will be responsible for developing strategies and actions that include a specific timeline for the recruitment as well as the manner in which the community will be integrated into the process.

  1. Induction

Regarding job description, the team will ensure that the volunteer roles are properly detailed including the responsibilities the volunteer will fulfil. Pertaining to the induction information, there will be the development of a toolkit that will be useful in listing the information that is imperative for the volunteer to comprehend when undertaking their roles.

  1. Retention

The first important aspect that will be considered in the project is the maintenance and sustenance of community partnership. The importance of this aspect is to ensure that the community’s links with the organisation are maintained for additional resources to be accessed and used. To ensure retention is achieved gained, it is important to assure the volunteers that they would be well informed through effective communication. This is attained using newsletter, websites, social media and flyers.

  1. Training and Development

Identification and listing of opportunities available for the volunteers that will be selected are of prime importance. Each volunteer should be able to progress in their career as they provide their services to the organisation. This can be achieved through profiling the candidates

Allocation of Tasks and Responsibilities

The selected volunteers will be managed by the volunteer management system that will include personnel who are authoritative in the organisation hence will assist in providing meaningful drive to the workforce involved in the project

  1. General Manager

The general manager will be responsible for the assignment of roles, and the selected volunteers will use allocating resources that. They will also chair the development and maintenance of the volunteer operational procedures and policies.

  1. Supervisor

The supervisor will take charge alongside the program manager in the recruitment, appointment, and induction of the new volunteers. They will also be involved in ensuring that the workplace where the volunteers are located is monitored as well as their work. Thirdly, they will be in charge of training, developing and recognising volunteers that are suitable for the positions available.

  1. Volunteer

The volunteer will be given the work that is listed in the position description.

Secondly, they will be responsible for conducting an evaluation of the overall program and its activities.

  1. Appointed Members

Two appointed members will be involved in evaluating and acceptance of volunteer appointment. They will offer their assistance to the program manager who is also part of the recruitment team that is assessed by the Selection Panel chairperson.

Group Drive Review

The volunteers will be involved in activities that are related to the operations of the organisation. The primary importance of this is to ensure that suitable selection is conducted by the volunteers that will be inculcated into the program (Fina 33). Position description will also be implemented as part of the group drive activities. This will allow the employees involved to learn how this process is conducted and the importance it has on the responsibilities of the volunteers that will be selected. The clarification of the parameter will also be done. Primarily, this is because the volunteers will be required to work within a particular type of environment. The process will also be useful because it delineates the variability between the paid staff member and the volunteers.

Time Frame and Resources

The resources that will be used will be directed towards ensuring the recruitment process is a success. Firstly, the volunteer application will be provided to the volunteering individuals (Fina 40). The two benefits that will result from these questionnaires are that the staff will able to get assistance from the information provided on how to conduct the interviews. Secondly, it will ease their work as there will be documentation about the volunteers profile and personal information.

Underperformance Control

The primary goal of the organisation is to involve the workers in the project and ensure that the best practices are implemented. For this to be achieved, the workforce should be motivated to avoid issues of underperformance. These issues should be handled in a sensitive and appropriate manner to maintain dignity and respect for the workers (Fina 45). Underperformance can be described as an illustration of unsatisfactory work through failure to ensure that the allocated duties are accomplished or in meeting the set standards (Grensing-Pophal 100). It can also be demonstrated through depicting unacceptable behaviour in the working environment, which might have an overall negative impact on other staff members and to the organization.

Several methods will be implemented to ensure that incidents of underperformance are reduced. The important method includes monitoring performance (Grensing-Pophal 102). Staff members in the HR department will serve the role of surveying the behaviour depicted by the appointed staff members that will be involved in the recruitment, interviewing, selection and retaining of the volunteers. Through using feedback and encouragement, the management will be able to guarantee that the workers will perform well (Grensing-Pophal 103). Regular meetings should be held to ensure that the employees’ performances are discussed and evaluated well. Through these meetings, positive and negative feedback can be availed to the management and offer the workers to improve on areas that have been noted as facilitating the underperformance.


Works Cited

Fina, Michael A. Perspectives on Managing Employees. Boston, MA: Course Technology, 2009. Print.

Grensing-Pophal, Lin. Employee Management for Small Business. Bellingham, Wash.: Self-Counsel Press, 2005. Print.

Hall, Alison. Managing People. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2003. Print.

Johnson, Clive, and Jackie Keddy. Managing Conflict at Work. London: Kogan Page, 2010. Print.

Keller, J. J. Supervisor’s Guide to Improving Employee Management Decisions. Neenah: J.J. Keller & Associates, 2009. Print.

McCollum, Sean. Managing Conflict Resolution. New York: Chelsea House, 2009. Print.



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