Manage Organizational Change





Manage Organizational Change


Tick appropriately

  1. Do you feel that the company’s training program is efficient?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:

  1. How clear are your assigned roles and responsibilities?

( ) Very clear

( ) Clear

( ) Vague

  1. Do you trust the organization’s management and its transformation process?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:




  1. In your opinion, do the relevant authorities conduct the employees’ performance evaluation process in a fair manner?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:

  1. Do you have confidence in the firm’s leadership?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:

  1. In your opinion, is the communication between the administration and the workforce clear and mutual?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:

  1. Are the established working procedures clear and effective?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:

  1. Do you feel that the firm’s management recognizes employees’ competence?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:


  1. Does the management appreciate individual differences?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:

  1. Does the company encourage teamwork?

( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, give your reasons:

Revised Communication Plan

Name of company: Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd

Objectives of the communication plan:

To provide an environment that is conducive to the employees.

To gain the employee’s trust and support on the organizational change process.

To help the labor force in comprehending the importance of the organization’s management change.

Measures to improve communication:

  • Strategy 1: inclusion of several representatives of the labor force during deliberation sessions related to the management change process. This is through inviting the members of the worker’s union executive in discussion forums concerning the strategies and proceedings of the implementation process involved in the company’s management change.
  • Strategy 2: formation of discussion opportunity where the employees acquire information about the components of the management transformation activities and the activities involved in its implementation. During these educative meetings, the administration should encourage the members of the subordinate staff to ask any questions regarding the entire transformation course. They should also offer assurance to these employees that any opinion or question is not punishable in whichever manner. These forums will help the labor force comprehend the entire process thus acquiring their trust and confidence.
  • Strategy 3: placement of suggestion boxes at strategic points within the company’s buildings with the main aim of collecting employees’ views regarding the implementation procedure involved in revolution of the firm’s management. This will ensure that the labor force conveys its honest views without fear of any form of retribution. Strategy 4: printing and distributing detailed brochures within the labor force. These information sheets should contain all components and procedures of the management modification process. It will help them comprehend the entire proceedings as opposed to believing in certain rumors and myths. Consequently, they will offer the required support because of their knowledge on the matter.

Importance of proper communication channels within the company: proper implementation of the communication plan will help in winning the employees’ trust and support. This is because the workers will have an understanding with regard to the transformation process. By comprehending that this course of action is to benefit the company as well as improving their working conditions, they will have confidence in the administration hence creating harmony within the firm. Effective communication will also increase transparency levels within the organization’s executive. They will offer substantial information about the company’s operations hence gaining the workers’ confidence. Apart from trust, the employees will find the company’s management more reliable through proper communication. Consequently, they will improve their competence hence providing better returns to the firm.

How each staff member can contribute towards improvement of communication: this is possible by educating the labor force on the importance of efficient communication in the workplace.



















Information session plan

Workplace information topic management transformation process
Audience employees of all ranks


Suggested activities




Suggested mode of delivery

  • Assess individual understanding of the management change process –how do we educate people to recognize the importance of this course of action?
  • Analyze the employees’ level of trust in the practice.

Interactive, aided workshops

Instructor’s reference material Instructor’s guide- training materials and information products

  • instruction and assessment

Employer training materials and information products

  • workers’ responsibilities
  • being an effective manager
  • talking about change and relevant challenges

Workers’ training materials and information products

  • responsibilities and effect of management change



Learner reference material Employee training resources and information products

  • need to comprehend the organization’s management process
Equipment required
  • computer and projector for PowerPoint presentations
  • chairs
  • refreshments
  • writing materials
  • certificates to indicate that the employees have undergone the training
Instructor skills required
  • Presentation techniques
  • Knowledge on the company’s management transformation process




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