





In the film, King Arthur, the protagonist is represented as an archetypal hero based on particular aspects. Foremost, Arthur’s birth is encompassed by unusual or extraordinary circumstances. At the time of his conception, the hero’s life is threatened by the enemies of Uther Pendragon. Secondly, the archetypal hero has to leave his family to find the right path and fulfill his destiny as the hero. In this respect, Arthur is nurtured from his family, specifically under the care of a powerful wizard called Merlin. Consequently, the archetypal hero must encounter a traumatic event that will change his or her life eternally. For Arthur, the traumatic event that takes place involves the demise of his beloved father, Uther Pendragon. Furthermore, the archetypal hero must attain a special weapon that only he or she can wield. This is evidenced by Arthur’s discovery of the sword, Excalibur.

The damsel in distress archetype is mainly represented by a feminine character that is young, beautiful, and waiting to be rescued by the archetypal hero. After rescuing her, the damsel eventually engages in matrimony with the man or hero that saved her. In King Arthur, the damsel in distress is Guinevere. Before her rescue, Guinevere is immured under the authority of Marius. Despite this, both face the threat of attack from the Saxons. However, Arthur manages to come and aid her in escaping her incarceration. In addition to this, he aids her in fending off Marius as well as the Saxons and ultimately succeeds in marrying her. Hence, Arthur, as the hero, rescues, Guinevere, the damsel, from her predicament of imprisonment, which is the cause of her distress.

The love triangle in the film, King Arthur, was developed after the introduction of another character by the name, Lancelot. Accordingly, Lancelot is one of the Knights of the Roundtable. Because of this, he is expected to exercise extreme loyalty to the King irrespective of his desires. In addition to this, Guinevere, despite being married to Arthur, expresses her desires for Lancelot. As such, they engage in a secret affair. This culminates into a love triangle between Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot. However, the love triangle ends after Arthur becomes aware of the illicit relationship that has been taking place between his knight and his queen. As an outcome, he pursues Lancelot to kill him. In spite of this, Lancelot flees to France.

The motion picture, King Arthur, is largely characterized by the overt and significant presence of Christian religious beliefs. From the onset, the main character, Arthur, expresses his belief in God as he takes part in the set daily undertakings. This is evidenced by the actions that he takes prior to his marriage to Guinevere under the orders of Bishop Germanus. The dependence on Christianity is also replicated in the marriage ceremony that takes place between Arthur and Guinevere. Additionally, paganism is present within the film. This is illustrated by the practices of the Woads before the intervention executed by Arthur and his men. Furthermore, the Knights of the Roundtable embrace paganism as a way of life. This is represented by their ridicule of Christianity based on the intolerance exhibited by the bishops with respect to their pagan convictions.

King Arthur first saw Guinevere during the excursion passed on to them by Bishop Germanus. The excursion was a complicated endeavor aimed at rescuing an imperative Roman family. As part of the family, Marius Honorius faces the threat of captivity from the Saxons, who are invading the territory under the orders of their Cerdic, their king, as well as his son, Cynric. As the events take place, Arthur discovers that Marius has imprisoned the Woads, including Guinevere, because of their pagan beliefs. Because of this and the impending danger awaiting them, Arthur liberates them. This encounter with Guinevere was the essence of the fondness that Arthur would later have for Guinevere. Additionally, the alliance between Arthur and Guinevere against the Saxons and their participation in the Battle of Badon Hill draws them further together.

Guinevere first exhibited her interest in Arthur after he rescued her from the imprisonment of Marius Honorius. As asserted, Marius had captured Guinevere as well as other Woads because of their pagan beliefs. This is rather ironic since Marius and his family were under threat of capture from the Saxons. After realizing of the actions taken by Marius against the Woads, Arthur freed them. At this point, his encounter with Guinevere served as a pivotal point in the narrative of the film as well as the legend of King Arthur. This is due to the romantic interest that surged between Guinevere and Arthur. Additionally, Arthur’s interest influenced Guinevere to express considerable affection towards him. Apparently, she was rather intrigued by the interest that Arthur exuded towards her.

Apart from showing interest in Arthur, Guinevere also exhibited affection towards Lancelot. However, her interest in the respective character took place after she was married to the King. Based on the version of the film, Lancelot had directed several advances towards Guinevere. Regardless of his efforts, the lady was devoted towards maintaining her relationship with Arthur. Despite this, Guinevere would end up becoming intimate with Lancelot particularly after the knight rescued her from Sir Meliagrance, who kidnapped her. Interestingly, Guinevere hoped that Lancelot, rather than Arthur, would come and save her from the distress she was facing under Sir Meliagrance. Because of the heroic actions of Lancelot, Guinevere exuded her interest in the Knight by spending a night of passion with him. This act, as well as her belief in Lancelot, illustrates Guinevere’s interest in him.

From the onset, Lancelot exhibits considerable interest in Guinevere. Before the occurrence of intimacy between Guinevere and Lancelot, King Arthur had sought advice from the wizard, Merlin. The purpose of this advice was to gain insight into whether Arthur should seek Guinevere’s hand in marriage. Even though Merlin agreed that the King should marry the person he loves, he had reservations concerning Guinevere. Accordingly, Merlin asserted that Guinevere was not ideal for him since she was in love with Lancelot. Further evidence of Lancelot’s fondness for Guinevere was illustrated by the actions he assumed to rescue the damsel from her tribulations. One notable example of this involves Lancelot’s involvement in the rescue of Guinevere from her kidnapper, Sir Meliagrance.

In my opinion, the character or suitor that is best for Guinevere is Lancelot. As much as Arthur has expressed his love for her, it would be unfair for her to continue in a relationship whereby she does not reciprocate the affection given to her. Moreover, it is important to consider the love that Lancelot has for Guinevere. As the film unfolds, one can see the extent to which the knight goes to ensure the safety of Guinevere despite being betrothed to Arthur. Lancelot risks his life for the purpose of aiding or rescuing Guinevere. Even in his loyalty to the king, Lancelot is still incapable of averting from the intense emotions that he bears for Guinevere. The same also applies for Guinevere with respect to the knight.

Certain developments illustrated the evolution of Lancelot as the movie progressed. First, Guinevere was the main reason for Lancelot’s change in the film. After coming across Guinevere before her marriage with King Arthur, Lancelot’s demeanor changes. Even though he is aware of the King’s affection for her, Lancelot is still convinced that he can engage in a loving and passionate relationship with Guinevere. This point in the film marks the first change that he undergoes due to the presence of Guinevere in his life. Further indicators of the knight’s evolution are evidenced by his commitment towards ensuring the safety of Guinevere to a higher degree. Lastly, his decision to engage in adultery with the king’s wife and his escape to France show the defining changes that Lancelot exhibits due to the influence of Guinevere on his life and actions.

Helen of Troy is deemed as the progenitor of the Trojan War. In fact, her persona as the lover to Paris as well as the wife of King Menelaus illustrates her significance perfectly to the story of King Arthur. Before the start of the Trojan War, Paris was asked to choose which goddess among Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, was the most beautiful. Accordingly, he selected Aphrodite, who rewarded him with Helen, who was apparently the fairest of all women in the world. However, Helen was married to Menelaus, who was the king of Sparta. The adulterous relationship that sparked between Helen and Paris led to the Trojan War as well as the eventual destruction of Troy. Similar to the tale of King Arthur, Guinevere’s involvement with Lancelot subsequently caused the invasion of Britain by the Saxons due to Arthur’s absence.

The popular nature of the Trojan War was particularly evidenced by the method that the Greek used to penetrate the land of Troy. As an outcome of the affair between Paris and Helen, King Menelaus and his brother, Agamemnon, established an armed excursion directed towards Troy. In this respect, the city was under siege leading to the demise of many men as well as the pillaging of women and children. The interesting aspect of the conflict was exhibited by the hoax of the Trojan Horse, which the Greeks used to penetrate Troy. The wooden horse was used as a disguise for hiding a special troop of men that led to the successful entry of the Greek army.

The film, Safe Haven, mainly focuses on the themes of love and relationships as well as the positive implications it imposes on people, especially in times of tribulation and intense suffering. Due to the focus on such thematic subjects, it is impossible to avoid the presence of archetypal characters. The first persona comprises the archetypal girl. As the protagonist, the girl is represented as a beautiful and charming woman. The role that Julianne Hough assumes as Katie captures this archetype considerably. Consequently, the beautiful archetypal girl is identified as troubled emotionally due to events that took place in her past. Because of this, she goes on a journey to redemption and comes across the archetypal male lover who saves her from her emotional distress.

The hero in Safe Haven comprises the man that falls in love with the beautiful troubled girl. In this film, the archetypal hero is represented as a man with an emotional void to fill. The traits of both characters in respect to their traumatic experiences positions them as the ideal partners to each other. In the film, the character, Alex, is the archetypal hero that is responsible for saving Katie and directing her towards a peaceful life of love and commitment. Furthermore, the fact that Alex is a widower and that Katie is emotionally scarred places them in a context meant specifically for them on a physical and sentimental basis.

The evil guy in Safe Haven occurs as the antagonist. From the onset of the plot, the evil guy is presented as a good person. Before his metamorphosis, the evil guy seems bent on pursuing an emotional connection with the female protagonist. Recognizing her need for emotional stability, he comes to her aid by paying attention to her and assisting her in the best way possible. However, after realizing that the character is incapable of reciprocating his love, he evolves and takes drastic measures that reveal his true nature. Kevin is the evil guy in the film. Once a loving husband, Kevin changes into an alcoholic and abusive person to the emotional protagonist. Moreover, he symbolizes the cause of her emotional scars.

The love triangle in the film, Safe Haven, is not depicted explicitly. However, there is a pattern evidenced by the relationship between Alex and Katie as well as the involvement of Kevin as the third party. Nonetheless, the respective pattern illustrates the existence of a love triangle due to the archetypal notions surrounding it. Accordingly, the inability to love or reciprocate it causes the female protagonist to express affection to another character. In this respect, the love exemplified by Katie towards Alex and the murderous involvement of Kevin after discovering this illustrates the film’s underlying love triangle.

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