Is Coke Buying Silence in India?





Is Coke Buying Silence in India?

According to reports from 17 shops and restaurants in Mumbai, the Coca Cola Company has been supplying beverages that are contaminated with dirt, tobacco pouches and fungus. However, the company has declined this allegation despite having compensated the complainants. This scenario has raised questions on whether the company is buying silence in India.

It is evident that Coke is using the invisible hand to cover up for their mistake. This is because it has employed technological advances by installing an electric bottle checker, which has the ability to detect very minute particles in the beverage. This technology is being installed in bottling plants around Mumbai. Secondly, the company has incorporated both the government and management in order to conceal their error. The management of the company and the police has worked together in pursuing both criminal and civil action against individuals who are responsible for the contamination. They have been able to persuade the police into pinpointing the exact members who are responsible rather than accusing the entire company.

However, Coke may not be considered having a strategy of buying silence in India because it has adopted ethics in management. They made a first step and admitted that it was true that some of their products had been contaminated. Secondly, they have obeyed the law by involving the police in getting hold of the individuals behind the error. It has also showed respect to the local community by compensating the affected members with several crates of Coke that is worth thousands of rupees. Moreover, it has stuck to the golden rule of management whereby top officials communicated about the error, what had caused it and how they could solve the problem. In addition, no harm was reported by any of the community members about the contamination. In solving the case, it has not only involved their management but the government as well. Finally, it has taken responsibility of their error by installing the inspection technology and taking criminal action against the accused individuals. Therefore, Coke Company is not buying silence in India but following the ethics of management.

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