Illegal Immigration





Illegal Immigration


The movement of people from across the national borders in a manner that is contrary to established immigration laws is illegal especially when the country of destination does not conform to the processes. An illegal immigrant becomes and individual who enters into the destination country and remains without valid permit or visa from the country as well as those who overstay their mandate as guaranteed by the granted documents. In addition, the cancellation of other visas renders the bearer in similar category. The common forms of immigration are witnessed from the poor countries into the richer ones. The most common forms of immigration are witnessed through border crossing, overstaying of the visas and sham marriages instituted by the guilty immigrants in the process. In the United States, it is a growing concern as it is estimated that over twenty million immigrants reside in the country. Despite the laws and authoritative influences put in place, the habit is still a national problem. Several proponents and opposes on the immigration laws have voiced their concerns due to humanitarian aspects. Illegal immigration is immoral in the society.    


Entry-Level Labor

Proponents on the tough stance as presented by the anti-immigration laws refer to the entry-level labor as a source of softening the stance on immigrants. It has been stated that on the overall basis, immigrants are source of cheap labor as opposed to the choosy and preferential citizens who influx the labor market. In this regard, they clamor for allocation of work permits within the durations of their jurisprudence. The real wages of United States working poor category is affected by the immigrants on a whole level. Posing as aliens, the influx reduces on the wages allocated to the working group as well as locking out potential employees from gaining income (Johnson 247). In addition, worker incentives and subsidies in terms of services are reduced or abolished all together. In return, there is no quality of work and remuneration for the citizens in working groups due to the immigrants.   

Ethnic Chauvinism

The growing concern on immigration is labeled as a Hispanic phenomenon. It is mostly associated with the Latin speaking nations. There is need for their recognition within the confines of the country’s race and racially based identity politics. By accruing the native rights and powers to the immigrants, proponents claim on the equity of the elites within the society through representation. The above claim is only pointed out by the level of ethnic chauvinism witnessed among the representation. It broadens the view of immigration as a lottery due to the Latin speaking immigrants and their quest for identity. The above criteria are immoral to the core as advocacy for illegal immigration on such grounds sets a bad precedence to other people and ethnicities. Minimizing it as the very beginning is important.   

Legal Immigration

Legality of immigration as entrusted on the laws of the land is through the three precedence. The virtue on immigration is based on breaking the law on entry of the US, current residing within the country on an illegal basis and belonging to particular ethnic group ((Johnson 249). Proponents on the allocation of illegal immigrants’ quest for legality point to the proximity and ethical balance as a measure of following the crowding to the front line approach. However, questions on protocol require clarification. For example, the legal fashion of application of citizenship is followed by Asians, Europeans, Africans, and the rest. Can the waiting of the processes and legal measures not be done by the involved illegal immigrants? It is the due process of law tat governs the process of seeking legal citizenship. Hence, all people should be treated in the same manner despite their ethnicity.

The Law

Majority of the discussion on illegal immigration is centered on the flouting of federal law. The initial entry into the US should be the standard determinant on legality of the applicants. The proponents of illegal immigration point to the need of identification and documentation in terms of the legality within the borders. In addition, they stress on validity of the information provided as measure of the hinged interpretation as well as identifying on the oppressive nature of the laws as stated. However, sobriety is required in determining the validity (Johnson 251). If the immigrant did not follow protocols in the entry, there is no factual basis of any information given. It is therefore prudent to use the enabled law in interpreting the illegality and subsequent taking of action of the offender. It also enables vital prevention of subsequent crimes, influx of aliens within the country from the entry point.   


The treatment of Mexico’s expatriates raises concerns on the validity of illegal immigration. The notion is based on the close proximity of the two countries. Support of the acts undertaken are based on the amounts of remittances enabled from the country, the placing of being the second-largest foreign exchange source earner to the country and facilitation of cooperation between the two nations. However, the record on the government from Mexico is culpable in dealing with the issue of illegal immigration. Several incidents of funding, the advents, and entry of drugs into the country as well as criminal activities, are negative. The above sources are worth of action by the government in establishing legality of immigration with ideal force and measure in order to combat the vice. It helps in saving cost, prevention of crime among other preventable injustices.


 Poverty has been cited as the main cause of illegal immigration into the country. Apart from the sought after lifestyle changes and opportunities, the remittances numbers from the US into the former destination countries is always on the increase. Illegal citizens, immigrants, and aliens then face the tough task of living within the standards of the destination country while remitting back money to their home countries. Consequently, the responsibility of the gaps generated in support of the illegal aliens is faced by the citizens to the tune of several billion dollars on annual basis (Johnson 257). The impoverished nature causes a strain on the overall financial performance of the country, thereby creating a compounded economy. The government should seek to eradicate the practice in order for accountability and improving the lives of legal citizens.   


Illegal immigration is immoral in the society. It involves movement of people from across the national borders in a manner that is contrary to established immigration laws especially when the country of destination does not conform to the processes. It affects wages in the entry-level labor, increases ethnic chauvinism, belittles the standards of legal immigration, breaks the law, causes a strain on the relations with Mexico, is promoted, and maintains poverty levels. In return, the host country bears the struggle of the citizens while dealing with crime, vices, chauvinism and attributed ill in the society like inequality. Illegal immigration should be addresses by stiffened laws and application of authority.

Work Cited:

Johnson, June. Global Issues, Local Arguments: Argument Readings for Writing. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007. Print.

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