Human Resources Policies and Procedures

Human Resources Policies and Procedures







Human Resources Policies and Procedures

  1. 1. Examine a significant way that the Joint Commission has influenced the basic functions of HRMand predict the likely impact of the policies and procedures at the acute hospital.

The human resource department deals with all aspects related to the labor force of a company. Some of its major functions include recruitment, motivation, and training of employees. It also formulates certain policies that act as guidelines in evaluating the performance of the workforce. On the other hand, the Joint Commission accredits medical institutions (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 1993). Its terms of office also include formulation of policies that regulate the functioning of these organizations, as well as assessing the health workers’ performance. These standards ensure that the public receives quality services in hospitals.

For these reasons, the Joint Commission influences the operations of the human resource sub-sector. To start with, this accreditation body stresses that all health facilities should keep detailed documents that illustrate the qualifications of its labor force. This includes information related to their academic skills and performance. In addition, the commission requires records of employees’ unethical activities from the human resource department (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 1993). This helps in evaluating the performance of a hospital’s workforce and the entire administration. These requirements force the human resource management to tailor its policies in order to concur with the commission’s regulations.

These set standards have a positive impact on the operations in the acute hospital. This is because the workers will strive to improve on their performance as indicated in the evaluation policies and procedures. The laws on academic qualifications will also ensure that the labor force in these medical organizations have the capacity to offer quality services to patients. The employees will also focus on business ethics to avoid documentation of their incompetence and unacceptable deeds. Consequently, the public will receive quality healthcare. The workforce will also prioritize the patients’ safety.

  1. Analyze the importance of collaboration between HR and department managers when filling openpositions, indicating the most likely impact on the hiring process.

            Efficient collaboration between the human resource department and other managers involved in the hiring process is crucial. This is particularly in situations where filling of open positions involves a long process. At times, the managers involved in the employment practice are slow in responding to job applications, scheduling of interviews, or making concrete decisions related to the procedure. Engaging the human resource department will not only hasten the process but also help in the recruitment of skilled individuals (Berger, 2000). Some of their policies will help in guiding the proceedings.

This form of collaboration will also ensure that the human resource department hires individuals whose skills concur with the principles of a particular sub-sector. For example, while hiring a psychiatrist, the human resource management should work closely with the manager of the hospital’s psychology division in order to ensure that the selected individual has the capacity to offer quality medical care to patients. This will help in improving the competence of the sector’s workforce.

It is also crucial to engage the manager of the information technology subdivision in the hiring procedure. This collaboration will ease the publicity practices involved in job appointments. This is because the employees in the technology sector have sufficient knowledge on how to advertise various posts. For example, the manager of this department may instruct his or her junior staff to formulate a site, which job seekers can use to apply for a post in the nursing sector. Through such sites, interested individuals can provide details regarding their academic skills and work experience thus easing the short-listing procedure.

  1. Create a detailed outline of a training program for managers. The outline should include, at a minimum, interviewing techniques that both help managers identify the best candidate for the joband meet the requirements of appropriate employment laws and regulations.

Day: 15/08/2013

This training is helpful to managers of all departments in the health institution. It highlights vital aspects related to the hiring process through qualitative and quantitative techniques. Human resource management should collaborate with other departments in the hospital to ensure high quality products and services. For this reason, all managers should comprehend the aspects of the recruitment process in order to improve efficiency in all subdivisions of the health institution. These aspects include qualifications of the job applicants, their personality, and potential. This educative forum seeks to address vital features of the hiring process. This is because the employees absorbed into the institution’s system determine its success.

The recruits are the driving force of the company thus the procedure of obtaining these members of staff should be transparent, thorough, and up to date. It should be in accordance with the firm’s objectives and policies to enhance smooth operations. Towards the end of this conference, the entire audience should have substantial knowledge on the method of identifying the best candidate for the post. Moreover, everyone should be aware of the requirements that concur with the company’s rules and regulations. Feel free to ask any questions regarding the issue.

Below are the proceedings of the managers’ conference:


am Overview of major aspects of the recruitment process
Stakeholders involved in the hiring procedure
Need for academic qualifications
Need for work experience
Need for desirable personal attributes
pm Company’s laws and regulations related to the hiring procedure
Decisive factors of the hiring proceedings
Importance of these factors to the organization
Importance of these factors to the customers

  1. Determine the most significant factor that should be considered in order to develop a
    compensation and benefit plan that is fair, competitive, and aligned with the organization’sstrategic objectives, indicating the direct impact of each factor on the elements.

            A company’s management ought to consider several factors when determining the employees’ benefits package. This is to ensure that the formulated policies are in accordance with the firm’s objectives. One of these influential factors is the nature of the benefits. Some of the employees’ benefits are usually compulsory while others are discretionary. Some of the mandatory benefits include employee reimbursements. On the other hand, bonuses are in the category of optional remunerations (Berger, 2000). Knowledge about this aspect will help the company’s management in developing an efficient payment plan.

In order to ensure that the relevant authorities distribute non-compulsory reimbursements in a competitive manner, the management should analyze one’s performance. For example, the management should include sponsored vacations in the workers’ benefits bundle. This will act as a motivation tool since the labor force will strive to perfect their work in order to enjoy such privileges. This fruitful competition will not only develop the working conditions in the organization but will also lead to increased productivity. Moreover, it will exhibit fairness since the benefits relate to one’s competence.

Consideration of this factor will also ensure fairness in the workplace. For instance, the company may offer certain optional benefits such as bonuses depending on the duration that an employee has been in the firm. This will make the employee feel appreciated for his or her contribution to the organization’s success. It will also aid in employee retention. The employees will be loyal to the company in an attempt to enjoy more of these benefits. Consequently, their operations will bring higher returns to the firm. For these reasons, managers should consider the nature of the employees’ benefits in an attempt to meet the institution’s objectives.

  1. Recommend a performance appraisal method that you believe would be the most effective for theorganization and support the reasons for your decision.

            There are various techniques of performance appraisal in the workplace. These methods help the managers identify each worker’s contribution to the firm’s achievements.  Through these tactics, an employee’s strengths and weaknesses are clear. Moreover, the administration can use it as a tool to identify individuals that deserve a salary increment or promotion. Customer’s satisfaction and efficient communication are also achievable by use of these strategies.  One such method is the Multisource Assessment. Under this technique, the management formulates questions used to assess various individuals (Kraut, 1996).

Various persons who interact with the worker in question fill the forms. This includes his or her colleagues, clients, and manager. In order for the tactic to be effective, the manager of the Human Resource Department should undertake this task while enhancing confidentiality of the respondents. Multisource Assessment is efficient in measuring workers’ behaviors and potential. It is also vital in developing competent personalities, management, and teamwork. Furthermore, it offers an all-inclusive examination on the performance and moral principles of the labor force (Kraut, 1996).

In addition, the information obtained from different sources is more convincing and accurate because of the high level of integrity in the technique. Discussing the findings with the employee undergoing this kind of evaluation will improve services and products offered to the customers. On the other hand, it also encourages workers who fail to appreciate their performance and potential. For these reasons, the Multisource Assessment method is the most appropriate tactic of performance appraisal in the medical sector. This is because substandard operations may deteriorate the patients’ health.

  1. Create a strategy to effectively manage both performance- and behavioral-based employeeproblems, which will lead to the desired behavior result.

            Problems related to employees’ performance and behavior are inevitable. However, integration of certain strategies in the organization’s management can help in curbing these difficulties. For example, the human resource department can use efficient communication to discuss one’s deeds in the workplace. This conversation should be in a private location between the human resource manager and the worker. The supervisor should use phrases that show the value of the employee. For example, he or she should commend the worker for his or her contributions towards the firm’s success.

This will set a favorable environment for the dialogue. The administrator should then use polite words to address the worker’s undesirable performance or behavior. He or she should give the employee ample time to explain the reasons behind these actions. It is also crucial to consider the worker’s conduct in the past. If that is the first occasion to convey unsatisfactory deeds, the manager should seek the cause and offer help. This tactic should also apply where the same behavior has recurred in the recent past. This is because certain factors related to one’s family or lifestyle could be responsible for the unpleasant performance.

If the employee offers a convincing explanation, give measurable targets that he or she should meet within a certain timeframe. For example, the supervisor may instruct the worker to hand in a faultless customer report by the end of the week. Ensure that the employee comprehends all issues addressed in the meeting before documenting the proceedings (Kraut, 1996). It is essential for both parties to sign the document in order to make the dialogue formal. The involved individuals should then setup another date to assess the performance and behavior of the member of staff. The meeting should end on an appreciative note in order to emphasis that the firm values the worker.



Berger, L. A., & Berger, D. R. (2000). The compensation handbook: A state-of-the-art guide to compensation strategy and design. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. (1993). The Joint Commission journal on quality improvement. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book.

Kraut, A. I. (1996). Organizational surveys: Tools for assessment and change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

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