Human Resource Manager





Human Resource Manager

PART 1:  Nature of the work

The title of the occupation selected is Human Resource Manager. The nature of this occupation is maximization of staff performance. The driving element for the accomplishment of high performance is the need to fulfill the strategic objectives outlined by the employer (Boella and Goss-Turner 56). This form of management directs focus into ensuring the systems and policies of the organization are managed as well as the workforce. Within the Human Resource Department, key activities undertaken include performance appraisal, employee recruitment, development and training as well as rewarding. The role played by a human resource manager is directing, coordinating and planning the organization’s administrative functions (Nickson 23). Their purpose within the organization is ensuring all administrative duties and obligations are catered to. Job function of a person in this position is recruitment, hiring and interviewing new employees. Equipment and tools that are considered imperative in assisting the human resource manager with their duties include operational systems that are set in place to monitor all organizational operations.

The minimal education requirement for a human resource manager is a bachelor’s degree in business administration or human resource management. In some organizations, candidates for this position are required to have completed a bachelor’s degree in any field but have certification for human resource-related courses such as organizational development, industrial resources or industrial psychology (Nickson 27). Higher-level Human resource management jobs required a master’s degree in the field, business administration or labor relations. Work experience is also required (Boella and Goss-Turner 58). It is demonstrated through exhibiting the ability to lead, manage and organize others. This experience in management can be derived from other fields. The most important aspect is showing ability. Experience also requires the candidates to indicate mastery of human resource programs such as HRIS or benefit and compensation plan systems.

Organizations often accept candidates without any certification because it is voluntary. However, it is necessary because it indicates professionalism as well as credibility (Boella and Goss-Turner 60). Another advantage of certification is that it increases the range of opportunities. It is important to note that most organizations select certified professionals for hiring. A candidate can access certification for bodied such as HR Certification Institute and International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plan (Boella and Goss-Turner 62). Knowledge required in this position of Human Resource Management is human interactions within the organizational setting, improvement of workforce performance as well as improvement of job and customer satisfaction. Interests should also be directed in ensuring that this knowledge is applied into the working environment to ensure that all operations run seamlessly.


Several skills are considered imperative for any candidate that seeks employment as a Human Resource Manager. They include:

  1. Leadership skills- Often indicated by ability to oversee and direct a staff, supervise the completion of operational duties in the department, ensuring coordination of work activities is adhered to and guaranteeing that all responsibilities and duties of the workers are completed (Nickson 30).
  2. Interpersonal skills- Illustrated through the mastery of interpersonal skills, as the field requires human interaction, ability to generate a productive working environment and promoting formation of teams.
  3. Speaking skills- Indicated by being able to clearly communicate and provide information to employees and staff (Nickson 35). These skills are relied upon in instance where the manager wants to make a presentation or offer direction to their staff members.
  4. Organizational skills- these skills are considered important for a HR manager. The primary indication of experience in learning these skills is effectual management of projects and prioritization of skills.

Annually, the median salary for the human resource manager is $99,700 as per 2012. The lowest paid managers accrue a total of $59.020 per year while the highest paid get a total of $173,140 (Nickson 39). Various positions of human resource managers are paid differently. Managers at enterprises are paid $112,550. Managers who offer scientific, professional and technical services are offered a total of $112,200. Human resource managers at manufacturing companies receive $ 97,900 while those in government offices are paid $92,000 (Nickson 40). Managers in healthcare and social assistance received a total of $85,800 as remuneration. HR managers are required to work full time which totals 40 hours per week.

Human resource managers work in well-controlled environment, which are furnished with efficient equipment that provides a conducive working environment. There are minimal hazards experienced. The work schedule is from 8-5 hours daily, which are approximately 40hours in a week. Traveling in this field is minimized because the human resource manager is important in the work setting.

There has been progressive growth of the employment of individuals interested In Human Resource Management positions. The growth has been projected to be growing at a rate of 13% from 2012-2022 (Nickson 42). The main factor that affects this growth is the growth and performance of individuals companies involved in hiring human resource managers. Expansion is also a contributing factor whereby business seek a HR manager to recruit, hire and train new employees to handle their increasing

Related occupations in this field are numerous. They include:

  1. Compensation and benefits managers
  2. Administrative services managers

iii. Human resources Specialists

  1. Labor Relations Specialists

PART 2:  Personality preferences:

My MBIT type is categorized as ESFJ. This is translated to extraverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The career occupation I have selected fits perfectly with my MBTI. This is primarily because most of the characteristics that I posses and indicated by the personality analysis show it is a perfect fit.

Human resource management requires people who are able to lead others. Based on my MBIT, these leadership traits stem from my ability to handle issues and things according to my value system and perception. I am a people-loving person because I find people very interesting. Hence, I show genuine concern. Additionally, I am very perceptive thus am able to judge and sense traits in people. This is particularly important to Human Resource management because this career requires being able to understand the workforce and relate with them on a professional level as well as solve any issues that might arise. Being able to read others will allow me to judge the employees and understanding their strengths and weaknesses.

The sensing element is also necessary for my career. It mainly involves the manner in which I view my situations as well as processing of information. I am a great believer in authority, hence, with this trait I ensure that all rules and regulations are followed and adhered. This aligns with my occupation because Human Resource Management requires a person to exhibit organizational skills whereby duties and responsibility are accomplish (Boella and Goss-Turner 67). When working or handling a situation, I tend to focus on the matter at hand, which help with directing my attention. This is an important trait because in HR, a manager is supposed to hand-ons in handling matters and relating with the staff as pertaining to operations and work allocation. The main issue that requires attention is that I have a tendency of oversimplifying things. This aspect might be damaging to my career as it is necessary to take serious ethical issues reported by the workers. Oversimplification of issues that might cost the company its reputation would lead to a precarious situation.

The third aspect as elaborated by my MBTI is feeling. According to the evaluation, people with my personality combination have a tendency of being control of their environment. For there to be absolute complete, I have the urge to ensure everything is organized and structured in a proper way. This is one of the admirable qualities of a Human Resource manager thus; I consider it a useful trait. I also feel friendly and empathetic towards people (Boella and Goss-Turner 69). This enables me to relate well with them, as I am able to look at their situation from their perspective. This personality suits my career as it revolves around human relations and interactions.

The last trait is judging. As previously stated, I consider myself a perceptive person hence I am able to read people generally and identify their weaknesses and strengths. This trait is important in human resource because of team and duty allocation. Through this personality trait, I will be able to properly select the right people of the duties in the organizations, as I am aware of their capabilities.


My strong interest inventory profiling indicates my theme code is CER (Conventional, Enterprising and Realistic). I expected these results. This is primarily because it is the Holland theme for Human Resource management. The first aspect that fits this theme is my conventional nature. Owing to the fact that I am a conventionally organized person, these traits are imperative in human resource. Being able to organize and manage operations brings me untold satisfaction as it ensures everything runs smoothly. It also allows me to solve problems effectively, which is crucial in management. Another fundamentally important aspect is my realistic nature. This translates to the fact that I love to solve issues from a hands-on approach. It allows me to relate well with anything involved in this problem-solving endeavor.

My Basic Interest scale says am drawn to: human resources and training, politics and public speaking as well nature and agriculture. From this test, it is clear to observe that my occupation is related to human resource and training. My personal style tests indicate that I am excelling in organizing and creating. I believe these traits are beneficial to the selected occupation.


The skills that I consider important to the selected occupation and I posses as a person include

– Commitment

– Dedication

– Interpersonal skills

– Working under minimal supervision

– Hardworking

– Skillful in communication


Personal values

  • Proper work ethic
  • Discipline
  • Respect
  • Hard work
  • Commitment
  • Proper communication
  • Punctuality
  • Sincerity
  • Honesty
  • Spirituality
  • Humbleness

Values incorporated into occupation

  • hard work
  • proper communication
  • Discipline
  • Respect
  • Proper work ethic

Values that would fit

  • Spirituality
  • Humbleness


There are several advantages gained from this field. Human resources allows one to network with various people in the particular industry. It offers personal fulfillment when organization objectives are met. I am able to be friendly and organized while dealing with other people, which is something I love doing.


Being a human resource manager means I am also in charge of hiring and firing employees. Owing to my empathy for people, firing an employee would be one of the difficult things I would have to deal with.

PART 3:  Informational Interview 


Person Interviewed: Martin Kowelsky

Date Interviewed 12th November 2015

Position of person interviewed: Human Resource manager

Company/organization and city: Pacman Holdings in Newyork

Following the interview, I learnt that Human Resource management is a perfect match for my personality and set of skills. As per my values, this occupation provides a platform where I can be myself without compromising any of my personal and professional values as well as my personality. I discovered that in this field, for one to truly succeed, they are expected to drive their organization to achieving high performance and productivity, which sets their track record.

Questions Asked in the interview

  1. How did you get into this field?
  2. Are you passionate about this field?
  3. What is needed for a person to be successful in the occupation/career field?
  4. Describe a typical day or week.
  5. If your current job were to become obsolete, in what other kinds of fields could you apply your skills?
  6. What sorts of changes are occurring in your occupation?


Works Cited

Boella, M. J, and Steven Goss-Turner. Human Resource Management In The Hospitality Industry. London: Routledge, 2013. Print.

Nickson, Dennis. Human Resource Management For The Hospitality And Tourism Industries. London: Routledge, 2012. Print.


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