Final Take Home Exam





Final Take Home Exam

Question 1

“Opening of Japan” during the period between 1853 and 1854 was important because it allowed for America, which was represented by Matthew Perry to establish or rather re-establish or rather, develop discourse and regular between the two states. It allows Japan to be in connection with the Western World. The role Perry played was being the first individual that is attributed to opening the Japan markets to trade with other global nations. This is despite the fact that he was not the first westerner to visit Asia. Earlier on, several Westerners have traveled to Japan. They include the Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish traders who developed networks and connections with the Japanese people and market. Thus, since the recent times, they have consistently traded with Japan with the height of this trade being observed in the 16th and 17th century.

When Perry sailed to Japan, he arrived with the small quadroon of vessels that were, in fact, US Navy Ships. The primary reason for sailing with such ships was to ensure that the Japan were aware of the military power that the United States possessed in terms of firepower. Additionally, since the ships were spacious, they were used to carry gifts intended for the Japanese Emperor. Some of these gifts included a telescope, locomotive, telegraph, liquors and wines as well as a steam locomotive. The gifts were meant to sway the Japanese Government into accepting to provide a refuge for shipwrecked Americans as well as providing American ships with a place to refuel and access supplies during their various business ventures. Perry presented this proposal to the Japanese Government and waited for their response.

One of the contributing elements that influenced the response by the Japanese people was the fact that Perry had the boldness and audacity to venture into forbidden Japan waters to request for refuge and refueling for all American ships that find themselves at the mercy of this nation. In addition, on coming to receive the response from the Japanese Government, Perry arrived with an even large squadron thus facilitating the positive reception from the Japanese people and contributing the signing of the Treaty of Kagawa that agreed to the terms presented by Perry.

Question 2

Deng Xiaoping is considered as one of the powerful reformists and revolutionary fighters in China. The reforms he wanted for the economic development and progression of China were centered on pragmatism, which incorporated the Marxist- Leninism theoretical ideologies. This guided Deng because this theory was practical and functional. The policies that he passed to direct the economic and political progression of the country were written under his ten-year plan. The fist policy he enacted was the opening of China. The main goal of this policy was to ensure that China was able to access capital that were imperative for making the necessary changes essential for its economy. Additionally, it also translated to improved learning of technology and science that were able to provide the capital. In terms of Agriculture, Deng enacted policies that were directed towards assuring the farmers of higher farm yields. This was made possible by incorporation of modern farming methods and use of mechanized farming. There was an improvement in the water supply and provision of chemical fertilizers to the farmers, which were important in increasing the yield. About the Industrial sector, Deng implemented policies that were structured to accomplish capital construction and improvement of heavy industries.
Question 3

The first Opium War took placed in the middle of the 5th century between the British and the Qing Dynasty, which was in rulership of China at the time. The subsequent war, which was dubbed the title “Arrow War,” occurred between China and the collaborative alliance of French and Britain. The main encouraging element that led to the first war was because China had decided to suppress the trade of opium with its foreign trader Britain. The primary reason that resulted in this suppression was the fact the trade of Opium had been illegal especially the one between China and India. Due to the exponential growth of the Opium business, it created an addiction across the nation that led to the disruption of the social and economic stability of the country. Hence, the Opium war was important to China’s History because it represented their efforts to regain the stability of the country through curbing the trade of a substance that was causing havoc in the lives of its people. The government confiscated and destroyed over an approximated 1,400 tons of Opium.

An additional element that contributed to the onset of the war was the isolationist’s trade policy that was practiced by China in terms of trading with other nations. In addition, the British had decided to seize the opportunity that presented itself with the high drug addiction problem in China and decided to partake in the legal exportation of the drug. The results of the war entailed the opening of the five port in China were the Westerners were allowed to trade. The ports were Shanghai, Foochow, Amoy, Ningbo, and Canton. China as a nation was coerced into accepting extraterritoriality. This translated to the fact that foreigners were only tried based on the laws of their home country despite living in China. In terms of fiscal loss, China was expected to pay high rates of indemnity, which totaled to approximately 9 million British dollars as compensation for the destruction of Opium during the war. Currently, it is valid to note that the war led to a significant loss on China’s part, and Britain has continuously benefited from this war as it opened China to free trade with the British.

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