Developing a Public Relations Plan, Part 2

Developing a Public Relations Plan, Part 2




















Developing a Public Relations Plan, Part 2

Visayan Forum Foundation Public Relation Campaign

The Visayan Forum Foundation (VF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that addresses issues related to human trafficking. It is also extensively involved in the welfare of migrants that are marginalized particularly women and children. The organization has been on the forefront in the provision of services to victims of trafficking such as shelter. It has also mobilized partners such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bill Gates Foundation and US Department of State (Cecilia, 2010). However, the organization has been marred by accusations from USAID because of falsification of documents. Investigations from the National Bureau of Investigation established that the organization issued fake receipts to donors since 2005. These events have had negative implications on the image of the organization. The scandal also risks withdrawal from stakeholders, donors and the public. A public relations campaign has been instituted in order to control the current situation. This campaign integrates various strategies towards boosting the reputation of the organization. The implementation of this campaign will make extensive use of the media and news releases. In addition, the organization will take advantage of government relations and community relations to instill confidence and continued support across the globe.

Media Strategy Implementation

Internet and Social Media

The goal of using social media is to reach a global audience directly. Visayan Forum Foundation Inc. is a global organization and, therefore, enjoys a global audience. Resources and individuals for the internet campaign have been identified. Internet resources such as social networks, microblogging and media sharing, are essential for the campaign. Consequently, social media sites such as facebook and twitter will be instrumental in implementing the campaign. Social sites will be used to refer people to the website of the organization where detailed information can be obtained. These social sites have become a popular source of news compared to conventional methods such as T.V and radio (Breakenridge, 2012). In addition, media stations both local and international, reporters and writers deliver news through these sites. Most stories released on social media are those that are not released in mainstream news.

The organization, therefore, creates content for blogs, byline, facebook pages and podcasts. This content describes the various programs and projects undertaken by the organization. The content will also include the progress the organization has undertaken since inception. Benefits accrued from the project will also be included. Making use of sites and blogs that fight against human trafficking will help reach the target audience. Twitter, Facebook status, LinkedIn groups and blog comments will be used to spread awareness about the organization, produce brief reports and gather general views. Clarification and updates about the organization will also be undertaken. Journalists also use the social sites to gather news. Therefore, when they follow reports and status updates they gather information and reach their followers. This will help to create new leads. New leads create new audiences across the globe, therefore, increasing global support. Social media will be instrumental towards establishing an interpersonal relationship between the organization and individuals. This is essential towards creating some sense of loyalty among supporters and other individuals. Emails will also be used to communicate directly to stakeholders.

Television and Radio

These resources will be used in order to provide information about the organization to the public despite the current circumstances. The organization will use both local and international television and radio stations in the Public Relations program. A PR team will be involved in writing scripts, press releases and creating a pre produced news segment. Scripts will be provided to local radio stations. The scripts will be used to reassure people that the organization stands firm on its goals and objectives despite the unfolding events. The scripts are expected to air as part of the news in order to define the organization’s official position. However, the scripts will also be used as part of advertising for the organization.

The organization will also appoint a spokesperson to conduct interviews and press statements. Interviews will be conducted by the spokesperson for radio and television stations. The spokesperson will also be required to conduct live interviews on talk shows on the television and answer questions and address issues related to VF. Interviews will also be conducted via satellite for several international stations. A documentary or feature story about the organization will be produced. This documentary is meant to provide a brief history and show beneficiaries of the NGO. The stories will be distributed to various local and international stations. VF will also collaborate with international organizations and media to produce feature stories for the fight against human trafficking.

Newsletters and Magazines

The goal of using magazines and newsletters is to provide detailed information to the public for clarification. Detailed financial reports will be included in the newsletters and magazines. Magazines will be supplied both locally and internationally. In addition, the PR team will also create an online version of the magazine and newsletters in order to reach a wider audience. Magazines will be used to show current and future programs instituted by the organization. Financial statements and costs accrued will be enclosed in the newsletter. These statements will reflect approved information from an independent auditing firm. Financial statements are released in order to show the integrity of NGO. Organizational brochures will also be released periodically in order to keep the public updated.

Community Relations

Visayan Forum Foundation has been involved both directly and indirectly in community relations. This has been undertaken through program aimed at fighting human trafficking. It also has provided employment and volunteer opportunities for many individuals. Stakeholders and donors also form an essential component of the organization. The PR strategy will be involved in community programs, events and groups. Sponsorship of local events such as fairs and awareness programs will be part of PR. Through these events, the organization will define the goals and objectives to promote free and safe communities by fighting human trafficking. Good relations between the organization and the local media will be beneficial towards promoting the image of the NGO (Seitel, 2011). Involvement in community programs such as shelter creation and aid in periods of crisis within particular communities has established rapport for local support. Beneficiaries have formed a support system for the organization by providing services, volunteering and testimonies about the benefits of the organization.

Government Relations

Visayan Forum Foundation established a working partnership with the national government. Local government officials have also been involved in programs instituted by the organization. In addition, government support has been invaluable towards helping beneficiaries of the NGO improve their lives. Temporary housing has been provided in collaboration with the government. Compliance to government regulations and lobbying for laws on trafficking has also improved relations with government. International governments such as the Untied States have also supported the organization. National government will be persuaded to undertake quick action on the issue. This may involve the formulation of a board to coordinate the activities of the organization. The board will comprise of individuals of high integrity that will promote the image of the NGO. Expression of government support to VF will also be used to increase confidence from stakeholders internationally. State owned media would also provide information about the organization to promote awareness. Local administrators will also be crucial towards promoting the image of the organization among local communities.

News Release Draft






Visayan Forum Foundation Inc commitment to accountability

The Visayan Forum Foundation Inc is committed towards improving the welfare of marginalized immigrants despite the ongoing claims of fraud. Visayan Forum Foundation Inc is committed to transparency in activities involving donor organizations and stakeholders. Auditing and reviewing by independent firms are an indication that the organization is exercising integrity in its activities and programs.

Programs instituted by the organization will continue as planned. Activities within the organization are normal without prior disruption. Visayan Forum Foundation will also initiate new programs to continue with the fight against human trafficking.

The organization looks forward to maintaining cordial relations with sponsors, volunteers, communities and governments.

For more information about the foundation, contact PR on ……. To schedule an interview with the spokesperson, please call ……. or email …….

Media contact:

Further information can be accessed on our website www.

Visayan Forum Foundation Inc.

News Release Details

The press release is meant to provide the public with the official position of the organization. Structural elements such as the headline, dateline, contact information and the body provide essential information to the news agencies. This press release grabs attention with the simple but attractive headline. The beginning of a news release is the most crucial aspect for journalists. Strong headlines attract journalists that seek compelling stories. Commitment of accountability by an organization with claims of fraud attracts attention. The headline is also accurate in order to prevent negative assumptions. Attention to simplicity also makes the headline engaging to the journalists. Therefore, the release will be successful in persuading the public. The news release also addresses critical issues in the first paragraph. This promotes understanding among the public.

Vital information is provided within the first few sentences. Therefore, subsequent paragraphs offer supporting information. The message relayed by the organization is distributed faster without the public being misinformed. Lack of grammatical errors also prevents misinformation. Contact information is also made available for clarification and provision of further information. The news release shows the commitment of the organization towards promoting accountability in order to the foundation’s commitment to have a transparent financial system. The press release will be distributed to media agencies via email, foundation website or directly to their stations. These news agencies use this information to develop the story that will improve the image of the organization. Follow up on the release will grant the organization the opportunity to address the concerns of the public and stakeholders.


When organizations are faced with crucial business issues, it is crucial to formulate a suitable public relations strategy. The implementation process must incorporate a broad approach to achieve maximum benefits. The public relations approach by Visayan Forum Foundation will help to address issues in a timely and effective manner. This is done through social media, television, magazines and news release. Implementation also takes advantage of community and government relations to minimize damage to the reputation of the organization.

















Breakenridge, D. (2012). Social Media and Public Relations: Eight New Practices for the PR Professional. Upper Saddle River, N.J: FT Press.

Cecilia, F. O. (2010). Child slavery in South and South East Asia.

Seitel, F. P. (2011). The Practice of Public Relations. Boston: Prentice Hall.

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