Dante’s Inferno 3, 2, 1





Dante’s Inferno 3, 2, 1

Canto 1

  1. (1-3)
  • What is the significance of the encounter of the meeting between Dante and Virgil?
  • How can this canto help the reader to understand more about Dante’s character?
  1. Virgil’s presence is essential in helping Dante find his way

Canto 2

  1. (70-72)


  • Why didn’t the women in heaven send Virgil to help Dante instead of helping him directly?
  • If hell is a place for the wicked, why did Virgil agree to assist Dante on his journey?
  1. Dante used the events in his life as the basis for the story

Canto 3

  1. (2-4)


  • In what ways does the canto emphasize the importance of having a stable mind?
  • What are some of the metaphors used in this canto?
  1. Unlike most situations in life, religion has no place for any grey areas.

Canto 4

  1. (100-102)


  • In what ways is religion perceived as unfair?
  • In what ways does intellectualism hinder people from accepting the concept and idea of faith as advocated for in most religions?
  1. Dante’s pleasure following the invitation of the poets shows his desire to belong

Canto 5

  1. (103-105)


  • In what ways does the representation of hell in this canto differ from the contemporary understanding?
  • Based on some of the things that have brought people to hell, do you think that God understands people’s weaknesses?
  1. Love is a major force in human life and it determines people’s destinies?

Canto 6

  1. (57-59)


  • What is the significance of Ciacco in this section?
  • How do you understand gluttony, and in what ways do you think it manifested itself in Dante’s world?
  1. Dante relied on mythology to write his work

Canto 7

  1. (9-11)


  • In what ways does this canto represent unrealistic ideals concerning perfection of humanity?
  • Do you think Dante has an exaggerated concept of perfection and holiness?
  1. The characters receive the punishment they deserve in this canto

Canto 8

  1. (20-22)


  • Why does Dante remain angry and unsympathetic yet he sees people who are suffering from such behavior
  • Why do you think the fallen angels refuse Dante to enter Dis?
  1. Despite pitying most of the people he meets, the experiences that Dante has had through his journey are not enough to change him

Canto 9

  1. (103-105)


  • Why is Virgil helpless and afraid in this situation?
  • What mythologies does Dante cite?
  1. Virgil’s fear is real and justified in this canto

Canto 10

  1. (33-35)


  • In what ways does politics seem to influence Dante’s life?
  • Why do you think the heretics are able to prophesy but not relate to present events?
  1. Politics play a major role in Dante’s life

Canto 11

  1. (22-24)


  • Which people suffer in the seventh circle of hell?
  • Do you think the punishments in the eighth and ninth circles of hell are justified?
  1. Religious leaders are not a model of perfection in life

Canto 12

  1. (40-42)


  • Why does Virgil insist on speaking to Chiron?
  • What are the sins of the people mentioned in this canto?
  1. Those punished in boiling blood deserve their punishment for the sins they committed

Canto 13

  1. (4-6)


  • Do you think that suicide is a sin?
  • What is the significance of the trees in this context?
  1. Those who commit suicide should not be punished, as it is not a sin

Canto 14

  1. (1-3)


  • Which souls are contained in the three zones?
  • Is hell meant to change the perception of those who suffer?
  1. Capaneus defies the logic and purpose of hell through his character

Canto 15

  1. (10-12)


  • In what ways do you think Dante yearns for recognition in this canto?
  • Why do you think Virgil approves of Dante’s attitudes following Latini’s prediction?
  1. Mentors are not necessary in a person’s life, as they are not always right in their ways

Canto 16

  1. (31-33)


  • What is the significance and purpose of Dante’s cord?
  • Why do you think the three souls are in exile?
  1. The idea and concept of courtesy and valor has all but disappeared in the present day

Canto 17

  1. (21-23)


  • Why do you think those who are violent towards art are punished?
  • In what ways does this canto highlight the significance of art during Dante’s time?
  1. Virgil was not willing to risk the chance of Dante considering him a failure, hence his decision to send him away when he negotiated with the monster

Canto 18

  1. (15-17)


  • Why is the eighth circle referred to as the evil pouches?
  • Flattery is common today. Why do you think Dante considered it a punishable sin?
  1. Dante was an early representation of feminism due to the concern he showed for women

Canto 19

  1. (10-12)


  • Which souls are punished in the third pouch?
  • In what way does the canto represent and perceive religion?
  1. Religion is not bad in itself but people corrupt it for their own selfish desires

Canto 20

  1. (28-30)


  • Why does Virgil rebuke Dante when he pities the souls in the fourth pouch?
  • Do you think Dante would have the same perception of magicians, astrologers, and diviners today?
  1. Present day understanding of sin has changed significantly since Dante’s time

Canto 21

  1. (47-49)


  • Who are the souls punished in the fifth pouch?
  • Why do the demons obey the will of heaven by agreeing to help Virgil?
  1. Describe the punishment in this canto

Canto 22

  1. (10-12)


  • What metaphors does Dante use in this canto?
  • In what ways are the metaphors relevant
  1. Describe how the sinner manages to escape the demons and find temporary relief

Canto 23

  1. (1-3)


  • What limits the demons from reaching Virgil and Dante?
  • Why do you think most of the people that Dante encounters are willing to talk to him?
  1. Describe the significance of the attire that the hypocrites wear

Canto 24

  1. (49-51)


  • What challenges do Virgil and Dante have to contend with?
  • Which souls do they encounter in the seventh pouch?
  1. Dante seems to wish most of his friends harmed as he encounters many people he knew in his life

Canto 25

  1. (13-15)


  • Why do you think Dante maintains a vengeful attitude?
  • Why do Fucci and his companions receive the punishment they get?
  1. Describe the punishment in this canto

Canto 26

3 (1-3)


  • What mythologies are referenced in the canto?
  • How are the myths relevant to Dante’s work?
  1. Dante depends on Greek and Roman mythologies for his work

Canto 27

  1. (64-66)


  • How does Dante show his interest and desire for his country?
  • Is this interest reflected in a positive or negative way?
  1. The concept of forgiveness did not seem to ring true in the church during Dante’s time as expressed in Guido’s life

Canto 28

  1. (1-3)


  • In what ways does Dante show the importance of obedience to authority?
  • How does Dante express the importance of unity and peace in the canto?
  1. Peace and togetherness are important concepts to Dante and this goes beyond any hint of religious intolerance in the poem

Canto 29

  1. (107-109)


  • Which souls are represented in the four zones?
  • How do the souls suffer in the tenth pouch suffer?
  1. Dante’s character has changed the more he has had many experiences and interacted with many souls in hell

Canto 30

  1. (11-13)


  • Which sin do you think is the worst among the people in the zones represented in the cantos?
  • Do the souls deserve the same manner of punishment?
  1. Master Adams desire to get revenge shows that the punishment received in hell is not enough to warrant people to rethink their thoughts concerning sin

Canto 31

  1. (1-3)


  • How has Virgil and Dante’s relationship changed from the time they met?
  • What are the unique characteristics of the creatures that Virgil and Dante encounter?
  1. Nimrod should not be punished for the origin of languages because this caused more benefit than harm to humans

Canto 32

  1. (9-12)


  • Why are the people in the cantos punished?
  • Do they deserve the kind of punishment they get?
  1. Betraying ones country is worse than disloyalty to ones siblings and family

Canto 33

  1. (5-7)


  • Between Ugolino and Rugguen, who do you think deserved the worst punishment?
  • Does Dante show contempt for God by including the souls who have not died in hell?
  1. Instead of giving people the relief they need to overcome their daily struggles, religion has acted contrary and it has forced people into sin

Canto 34

  1. (22-24)


  • Do you think the traitors to their benefactors are the greatest sinners?
  • Who are the traitors, and whom did they betray?
  1. Dante succeeds in portraying the magnitude of hell using imagination, religion, and mythology but he fails in justifying the punishment that the sinners receive


Work Cited

Alighieri, Dante. Inferno. n. d. Web. 2 October 2014

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