Ancient Chinese contributions

Ancient Chinese contributions






Ancient Chinese Contributions

China has a loaded history and culture. Some of the products and services enjoyed by people internationally originate from this Asian country. These inventions started in the ancient period, an attribute that increased the recognition of China worldwide. One of these creations is alcohol, which was a popular drink at the time. From 2000 BC, natives in this nation prepared brews with an alcohol content of 11% (Deng and Wang, 2011). They waterlogged cooked granules to facilitate the fermentation process. They offered the cocktails to their gods as a form of sacrifice. Another invention is the Chinese mechanical timer. This creation was the planet’s initial timepiece and involved water trickling on a wheel to ease the revolutions (Deng and Wang, 2011). It was after this primary piece that other architects within the same region improved the apparatus resulting in the modern clock.

Tea is also one of the main inventions of prehistoric china. At first, a Chinese inventor manufactured a simple tea shredder consisting of a centralized wheel with a knife meant for cutting the leaves. Several scientists all over the world improved this discovery. Over the years, this beverage has attracted my consumers and producers in all regions of the globe. The Chinese also pride themselves in discovering silkworms as a source of fabric. Identifying silk as a raw material for the manufacture of cloth and paper acted as a lucrative business opportunity that has promoted this country over the years. Furthermore, china is famous for its blacksmith culture. The ancient Chinese community used iron and steel to manufacture different art products (Deng and Wang, 2011). Porcelain is also a type of earthenware discovered in ancient China. Many inhabitants perfected their skills in creating different vessels from the material although other countries later invented other effective forms of the ceramic.

In addition, the first navigation compass originated from china. However, the inventor’s main objective was to create a device capable of uniting various regions of the state in reference to the statistical philosophies of Feng Shui. This development eased map reading in all transportation channels such as the road and marine routes. Some Chinese scientists are also responsible for the development of gunpowder (Deng and Wang, 2011). They made this weapon substance by mixing sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate. Armed forces exploited this flammable product during the colonial era to fight intruders. The Chinese also created the first printing machine. The movable gadget was made of clay although other scientists developed it by using wood and metal. Additionally, some Chinese inventors manufactured papers with tree barks, ropes, rags, and fishnets being their raw materials. Prior to the discovery, people inscribed on ceramics, wood, or silk clothes (Schomp, 2004).

Out of these creations, some showed detailed ingenuity. For instance, it is amazing how an empress discovered such a valuable product from a worm. Moreover, she discovered that the leaves of the mulberry tree were apt for nourishing the silkworms. In collaboration with other inventors, she discovered that hot water softened the sticky substance joining the silk strands (Schomp, 2004). These creative individuals also designed a machine used to process the threads into clothing. Through this resourcefulness, the products of a caterpillar have turned into a lucrative business worldwide. The invention of alcohol is also one that illustrates creativity. The ancient Chinese innovators were able to generate a brew with an alcohol content of 11 % by soaking baked grains in water (Schomp, 2004). This demonstrates a calculated combination of scientific aspects. For example, the fermentation process requires certain forms of bacteria. These innovators accomplished this by introducing moist granules.

In addition, the discovery associated with the production of tea as a beverage is nifty. It is remarkable how these Chinese inhabitants identified the tea plant as a raw material for the popular drink. Not only did they bring into being a beneficial beverage but they also showed their skillfulness. They used a sharp steering wheel to shred tealeaves into a valuable concoction that the modern human being uses to calm down, in addition to curing certain diseases, such as migraines. Moreover, the Chinese blacksmith activities showed creativity. The ancient Chinese natives, who had no form of formal scientific knowledge, produced valuable goods from iron and steel. They heated specific types of iron under high temperatures to aid in the shaping process (Kleeman and Barrett, 2005). This illustrates a premeditated combination of arty and scientific proficiency. It is through this inspiration that the present human being enjoys different forms of products made of metal. These commodities consist of jewelry, automobiles, furniture, and cutlery.

One of the ancient Chinese inventions that have changed our lives is the watch. We cannot live without this gadget. This is because it keeps us aware of the time. Time is an aspect that brings order in our activities. If this innovation did not exist, it would be difficult to strategize daily activities. We are able to increase our productivity through proper planning aided by this apparatus. For example, an instructor uses his or her watch to schedule lessons in various classes. If each academic session lasts for an hour, the tutor utilizes his or her timepiece to follow the planned sequence. This ensures that he or she attends all programs in time to accomplish the formulated objectives. Likewise, the machine helps a patient to take certain drugs at a specific time. This apparatus not only indicates the time of day or night, but it also provides the current date, day, and month of the year.

With this information, one is able to recognize significant events in the calendar like birthdays and anniversaries. With the modern improvements on the ancient mechanical chronometer, the tasks performed by this machine make it a vital tool in our daily activities. A present-day watch consists of features such as a stopwatch, alarms, and calculators (Kleeman and Barrett, 2005). For instance, a sprinter needs the gadget to time him or her during a competition. This will assist the runner in maintaining or increasing his or her swiftness. The alarm component is also useful in alerting an individual. This helps in enhancing punctuality. For example, when one takes a nap, he or she can set his watch to alert him or her six hours later. This will ensure that he or she is not late to perform crucial duties such as attending an academic class. The calculator found on the watch also eases several deeds. This feature is useful in performing various mathematical computations.

For example, an accountant can use a contemporary timepiece to compute monetary calculations. This will enhance the accuracy of the process. Moreover, one is able to obtain the required figures with minimal intricacies. In conclusion, ancient china is full of substantial innovations and contributions. These discoveries have not only promoted the financial wellbeing of this nation but have also instigated various developments worldwide. Some of the gadgets created by these architects are vital in our everyday proceedings. One of these crucial equipments is the chronometer. The inventors responsible for creating the watch illustrated ingenuity. Without this gadget, our lives would be chaotic. We would have to estimate the time of the day and night, as well as the dates and months of the year. Certain components incorporated in the modern version of the timepiece are of use to many experts such as accountants, sprinters, and medical practitioners.



Deng, Y., & Wang, P. (2011). Ancient Chinese inventions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Kleeman, T. F., & Barrett, T. (2005). The ancient Chinese world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schomp, V. (2004). The ancient Chinese. New York: Franklin Watts.


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